2Unit 2Whatareyoudoing英文教学教材.docx

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1 Unit 2 What are you doing? 课文? What are you doing,children ?? I’m listening to music !? I’m watching TV !? What’s Tom doing ?? Oh,he’s reading a book !Ha,ha,ha…? 一、教学目标:? 情感目标 :培养学生学习英语的兴趣。? 知识目标 :掌握句型What are you doing?? 能力目标 :能询问别人正在做什么,描述自己在做什么。? 二、教学重点;? 1. 学习句型 :What are you doing? I’m ……? 2. 掌握词组:Listen to及动词的ing 形式 :doing ,listening, watching, reading  Ⅲ 三、教学难点:?掌握动词的ing形式 及读音。? 四、辅助资源 :?挂图、录音机、磁带、图片? 五、教学过程:? (一) Warming up? (1)Greeting :Good morning, boys and girls. Nice to see you again.? (2)Revision:? 竞赛 :谁的反应快。? T :Before class ,let us play a game。I want four of you to come different here。Group one…(每组叫一位同学上来)The others look at the carts in my hand,and we say,they do the action。The one who can do the action first will be the winner。I will give him a present。Clear ?? Ss :Yes。? T :OK,let us begin。? 先请几位学生到前面来参与比赛。教师将指令写在卡片上,其他学生给他们下指令,如write a letter, take a picture……台上学生立即做出听到的动作,速度最快者获胜。(在趣味游戏中复习上节课的动词短语。)? (3)Presentation:? 1. 在学生做出talk to friends动作时,教师问反应最快的学生 :What are you doing?你正在做什么呢 ?? Ss :?talk to friend? T :Yes,you are talking to friend。(对全班同学)He/She is talking to friends。You are the winner。A present for you。Go back to your seat。Today,we will leant a new lesson。(板书句子)What are you doing ?学生学说句子。? 2. 呈现课文? T :(拿起事先做好的图片)This is father。This is mother。They have three children。It time for breakfast。But where are the children?What happen ??What is Sam’s family doing now? Let’s listen to the tape.(放第一遍录音)? T:Listen again ,and answer the questions :What is Sam/Amy/Tom doing ?? (学生带着问题去学习课文,可帮助学生抓住课文中的重点句型。)? T:Now who wants to be Sam ?(找一个学生扮演Sam 将Sam的头套戴在该生头上)The whole class ask him :what are you doing ?? Ss :?what are you doing ?? S1 :I am listening to music。? T :I am listening to music。Yes or no ?? Ss :Yes。? T :(将写好的I am listening to music。贴在黑板上,教学生读句子几遍之后,拿起耳麦套在自己头上)Look,I am listening to music。(走到学生面前将耳麦戴在学生头上要单个学生说I am listening to music。)? 接下来分别让学生扮演Amy and Tom。全班问 :wh



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