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大学英语精读第二册电子教案 篇一:大学英语精读第二册教案1 Type of Lesson : Intensive ReadingBook Two Unit Five Title: The Professor and the Yo-yo Total Time: Five Hours Object : Freshman In-Teaching :1. Study of the Key Words and Phrases Exercises : 1. Reading Activity having, showing E.g. Asian women are more modest and shy, yet they tend to have an inner force. b) moderate, not large in size or amount E.g. They bought a modest house in the northern suburb. 2. display a) cause filled with anger or hatred E.g. You shouldn#39;t have said those bitter remarks about him. b) having a sharp unpleasant taste, causing sorry E.g. They have learned a bitter lesson in the accident. c) bitterness follow, go on steadily with luck, chance E.g. He decided to try his fortune here. b) a large sum of money E.g. He has made a fortune by hard work. 二. Useful Phrases 1. at ease a) free from mental stress, relaxed and comfortable E.g. I#39;m not at ease when so many people are fixing me. b) set / put sb. at ease; make sb. feel at ease;with ease; E.g. The teacher has a good way to put his nervous students at ease. The doctor soon made the worried patient at ease. He solved the problem with ease. 2. point out : draw attention to, explain E.g. It was pointed out to us that it was getting very late. 3. off balance a) not in balance, not bale to keep from turning over or falling E.g. Don#39;t rock the boat, you will throw it off balance and get it turned over. b) keep one#39;s balance; lose one#39;s balance; 4. come to terms with a) reach agreement with E.g. We have come to terms with them that the meeting will be delayed until next month. b) make oneself accept E.g. Later she had to come to terms with the difficult situation. 5. so much so that : to such an extent that, so that… E.g. I was tired, so much so that I thought I would never recover. 6. work out a) solve, find b


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