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Teaching Plan 侯颖 Title NSE Book 9 Module 1 Unit 1 There wasn’t a pond. Aims i.Get students to grasp a new dialogue and some new words. ii.Consolidating simple past tense and the usage of “ There was… There were… ” Focus i.let students grasp the 4-skill words: year before duck playground ii.Help students grasp the key sentences: There wasn’t a pond here before. There weren’t any swings here before. iii. Enable students to use the drills fluently and correctly. Aids some cards tape recorder stickers etc. Teaching Process Teacher’s Activity I.Warming up and Revision Greeting Organize pupils to say the chant in book 8 3、Sing a song II.Leading-in 1、Show the CAI of the dialogue 2、Say something about the picture in English. 3、Sam ,lingling and Amy are in the park now. It’s a beautiful park in London. Let’s go and see it. OK, now let’s learn the dialogue. III.Listening Reading Activities 1、Play the tape. 2、Play the tape again. 3、Put the new words on the blackboard, drill the words. Show the CAI. Give them some questions: ①How long were they in China? ②Does the park look different now? Why? ③Can they feed the ducks before? Why? 6、Practise the difficulty sentences . IV.Further Development Give them 2 minutes to practise the dialogue in groups. 2、Check the students. 3、Ask them to look at Exercise 3 ,then work with a partner. 4、Check the students. 5、Have a test. V.Homework 1、Read and act the dialogue after class. 2、Recite the dialogue and write it. Students’ Activity Greeting. Say the chant and do the actions. 3、Clap hands and sing the song. 1、The students watch and listen. The students try to understand. 3、Read the title loudly and clearly. Listen and point. Listen and underline the new words. Learn the new words in different ways. The students listen and repeat after the CAI. Answer the questions. 6、The students say the key words and sentences in different ways. The students practise in groups. Act it out. The best group will ge



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