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AC尼尔森零售研究基础培训 基本数据类型的定义及诠释 广州尼尔森市场研究有限公司 2001年5月17日广东乐百氏集团有限公司 零研基础培训 ACNielsen 零售研究的市场反映模式 数值总体铺货率(Numeric Total Stock Distribution) 表示在核数周期内经营某种产品的零售店数量占零售店总体数量的百分比。 代表铺货的广度。 加权总体铺货率(Weighted Total Stock Distribution) 指在核数期内经营某种产品的零售店,其经营该类产品的零售额占该类产品总体零售额的百分比。 代表所铺的店可能为我们的品牌带来的销售机会,但加权总体铺货率的高低与市场份额的高低并不一定完全成正比。 生产厂家的努力 缺货率的高低如何判定?何时需要采取行动? 生产厂家的努力 另一个有趣的例子 生产厂家的努力 生产厂家的努力 练习 1: - 铺货率 一个小镇有10间商店,其中8间商店经营洗发水,但每间商店所占这个小镇总体洗发水的零售额百分比各有不同。 商店 1: 12% 商店 2: 8%, 商店 3: 10%, 商店 4: 不经营洗发水 商店 5: 20% 商店 6: 15% 商店 7: 10% 商店 8: 不经营洗发水 商店 9: 10% 商店 10: 15% 经营力士的 商店 1, 2, 5, 7, 10. 问题 : - 所有洗发水的总体数值/加权铺货率是多少? - 力士的总体数值/加权铺货率是多少? 零售商的支持 零售商的支持 进货量(Purchase) 指零售商采购某一特定品牌或库存单元的数量。通常用原始单位或者转换过的单位(如:升,公斤等)表示。 进货份额(Purchase Share) 指一特定品牌或库存单位在其总体市场或某一细分市场的进货量中所占的百分比。 对我们品牌的进货支持是否高于竞争对手? 零售商的支持 零售商的支持 零售价格 消费者购买 谢谢! Imagine a small town has 3 stores: a supermarket, a kiosk and a grocery store. So there are 3 stores and we (Maxwell) are in store No. 1, which is kiosk. Nestle is in store No. 2, which is a supermarket. And we are both in the 3rd store, which is a grocery. So our distribution, our numeric distribution, the number of stores we are in is two, we are in the kiosk and the grocery store. So we are in two stores out of three, which gives us a 66% numeric distribution. Nestle is the same, they are also in two stores, they are in the supermarket and the grocery store. And their numeric distribution is also 66%. So the numeric distribution just tells us the penetration of retail outlets, and ignore the size and importance of those outlets. If we then turn and look at the importance of them, we抣l see the supermarket accounts for 70%, or 70 cents in a dollar, of all coffee sales in this town. It is a big important store for coffee. The kiosk only does 20 cents in a dollar and the grocery does 10 cents in dollar. So what does that show us? We found out we are in the kiosk and the grocery store, so together they account for 30% of all the sales, not 30% of o



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