高中英语外研版新教材unit3说课like father like son.pptx

高中英语外研版新教材unit3说课like father like son.pptx

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新外研版Book 1 Unit 3 Family matters Like Father Like Son P26-28 彭州市第一中学 罗月珩 2022-9-8 教学重难点 教学目标 学情分析 文本分析 教学过程 5 4 3 2 1 Like Father Like Son 2022-9-8 一.文本分析 选材:2019年新改版外研版 必修一 Grandpas trunk Like father, like son Saying sorry to family member Just a brother Writing about a family memory Talking about your understanding of family ralationship 主题语境:人与自我——家庭生活 主题意义: 树立正确人生观和价值观 Like father, like son 2022-9-8 Like father, like son 一.文本分析 语篇类型:戏剧 对话 dialogue 背景 setting 人物 characters 情节 plot 动作 actions 2022-9-8 一.文本分析 文本内容分析: Son Father Grand-father Like father, like son job conflict 调解 引发学生思考父子矛盾产生的原因,以及如何通过合理的方式解决家庭矛盾,构建良好的家庭关系。 2022-9-8 二.学情分析 授课对象:高一上学期的学生 初高中过渡期 阅读理解能力较弱 基本具备阅读理解查找信息的能力 年龄阶段:青春期 2022-9-8 三.教学目标 2022-9-8 四.教学重难点 引导学生读懂文章、分析父子产生矛盾原因及理解标题含义。 引导学生掌握戏剧的基本特征及正确看待家庭矛盾、树立正确的人生观,价值观。 2022-9-8 五.教学过程 1. Lead-in 2. Prediction 3. Reading 4. Title Understanding 5. Thinking and share 6. Homework 2 2 20 8 7 1 2022-9-8 1. Lead-in When you meet something important, will you turn to your parents for advice? Tick the things you would ask your parents about for advice. school studies friendship troubles choosing arts or science getting a new hairstyle shopping for new clothes and shoes choosing your future area of study 设计意图: 引入主题语境家庭生活,激发学生兴趣。 2mins 2022-9-8 2. Prediction 设计意图: 充分利用教材插图,培养学生想象力,并让学生提前融入语境,为阅读做准备。 2mins Like Father Like Son What happened? 2022-9-8 3.Reading 设计意图: 熟悉戏剧五要素,理清文本框架,找出具体冲突,为接下来的深度阅读做准备。 4mins Fast reading Friday night The living room Son;Father;Grandfather The conflict is about_______ Job 2022-9-8 3.Reading 设计意图: 培养学生获取、概括和加工信息的能力。 8mins Careful reading Son Father conflict Wants to : Reason: Wants his son to: Reason: Grandfather ? Father Grandfather ? have a career in music It suits his talent go to university and be a lawyer Lawyers help people are respected by others think carefully go to school and play music at the same time conflict think carefully 2022-9-8 Son thinks:_____________________ Fathe


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