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广州市流动人员工伤保险参保现状及影响 因素 【摘要】目的:人员的流动在现代社会交通系统的不断发达的情况下变得更加容 易,城乡的不平衡发展以及城市的不断开放使得离开户籍所在地前往异地工作居 住的人员也越来越多。本研究的目的是希望从乡-城、城-城这两个角度对广东省 广州市近些年来的流动人员的工伤保险参保情况进行了解。 方法:本项目以探究工伤保险的参保现状为出发点,在2016 年全国流动人口动 态监测数据中筛选出符合条件的居住于广州市的流动人员,将这些样本分为乡- 城的流动人员和城-城的流动人员这两类,利用 SPSS 软件对数据进行描述统计 分析、二元logistic 回归分析、卡方检验等分析方法,研究不同的个体特征、职 业状况、流动经历的工伤保险参保比例差异。 结果:流动人员构成以青壮年和已婚者为主,大部分人都接受过初中和高中教育。 但是城-城的流动人员受教育水平明显优于乡-城流动人员。务工/工作为主要的 流动原因,就业时制造业和批发零售业是相对热门的选择。 结论:流动人员整体工伤保险参保率低,且城-城流动人员工伤保险参保情况好 过乡-城流动人员。性别和婚姻状况对于参保率没有显著影响,而受教育程度越 高参保可能性越大,单位性质对参保有显著影响。机关单位和国有及国有控股企 业参保率很高。 【关键词】工伤保险;个体特征;流动经历;职业状况;乡-城/城-城流动人员 the Status and Influencing Factors of Employment Injury Insurance Participation in Floating Population in Guangzho [Abstract] objective: The mobility of people is easier with the continuous developmen of the transportation system in modern society. The unbalanced development of urban and rural areas and the continuous opening of cities make more 1 and more people leave their domicile places to work and live in other places. The purpose of this study is to understand the employment injury insurance participation of migrant workers in guangzhou, guangdong province in recent years from the perspectives of township -city and city-city. Methods: this project is to explore the ginseng of inductrial injury insurance status as a starting point, in the dynamic monitoring data of the floating population in 2016 in China select eligible migrants living in guangzhou, the samples can be divided into the flow of the rural-urban workers and city - the city of these two types of floating population, using SPSS software for data description statistical analysis, binary logistics regression analysis, chi-square analysis method, research the different individual characteristics, pro


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