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Homework Please write down your discussion and make it a report Preview the next part of the text. 学科网 问题激疑 Hepburn 问题激疑 What are her famous works? Roman Holiday 罗马假日 The Nuns Story 修女传 Breakfastat Tiffanys 蒂凡尼的早餐 My Fair Lady窈窕淑女 自主探究 Listen to the passage and finish the tasks below. Step 1 What is the text mainly about? Eliza Doolittle is a poor, dirty ________ seller. The Pygmalion in this film is Henry Higgins, a __________and _________ expert who believes that speech is what really sets the classes apart. flower professor phonetic 自主探究 Step 2 Match the main characters. Eliza Professor Higgins Colonel Pickering an expert in phonetics an officer in the army a poor flower girl 自主探究 Step 3 Tell true or false 1.Eliza was selling some flowers when Higgins first met her. 2. She succeeded in selling some dead flowers to Huggins for some small change. 3. Huggins wrote down her name and address. 4. Huggins was good at judging people from their own speech. T F T F 合作解疑 Read the text aloud in role play. Answer the follow questions. 1. What is the name of the man hiding from the rain? 2. Why is Eliza frightened of him at first? 3. Where has Colonel Pickering been living and what has he studied? Henry Higgins. She thinks he is a in disguise. policeman He has been living in and has studied many Indian dialects. India 4. Who is Henry Higgins anxious to meet and why? 5. What is Elizas ambition and what does she decide to do about it? He is anxious to meet Her ambition is to be a . She decides to take from Professor Higgins to achieve her aim. Colonel Pickering shop assistant lessons 1. This text is mainly about the first experience of Eliza meeting with ____. A. Professor Higgins B. Colonel Pickering C. Professor Higgins and Colonel Pickering D. a gentleman Choose the best answer. 合作解疑 2. Which of the following can best describe Henry Higgins? A. Kind and polite.


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