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Robots Play with humans Do research Talk with humans Do the housework And so on… Take care of children Act as a policeman /a seller Do some shopping What can a robot do? Do you think it is possible for a robot to: have feelings? to think for itself? have its own needs and desires? look and feel like a human being? Isaac Asimov (艾萨克 阿西莫夫) (1920-1992) An American scientist and writer Science fiction stories about robots Nothing is impossible in a fiction! 最早提出机器人这个概念的人是科幻作家阿西莫夫(Isaac Asimov),二十世纪四十年代他在一本短篇小说中用到了robotic这个单词。在那篇短文中,阿西莫夫提出了三个指导机器人行为的准则,也就是著名的机器人三大定律 First Law : A robot must not injure human beings or allow them to be injured. Second Law : A robot must obey the orders given to it by human beings (as long as human being are not injured ). Third Law : A robot must protect its own existence (as long as human beings are not injured; and as long as the robot does not disobey the human beings). Asimov’s three laws 1. 机器人不能伤害人类,或坐视人类受到伤害而袖手旁观。  2. 除非违背第一法则,机器人必须服从人类的命令。  3. 在不违背第一和第二法则前提下,机器人必须保护自己。 Do you think it is possible for a robot to: think for itself have feelings have its own needs and desires look and feel like a human being Films based on the works of Isaac Asimov (艾萨克 阿西莫夫) The text mainly tells us _____. A. why Claire fell in love with a human being B. why a robot fell in love with a human being C. a story about a household robot being tested out in a family D. that a robot can save a human being from danger Skimming Reading Comprehension I Part 1: Part 2: Part 3: Part 4 Para 1- Para 3 Para 4- Para 8 Para 9- Para 11 Para 12 Meet Help love Leave Reading for structure 1. How many characters are mentioned? (para 1-4) 2. What did Tony look like? 3. What’s Claire’s feeling towards Tony when they first met with each other? Why did Claire have such a kind of feeling towards Tony? Scanning Reading Comprehension II (part 1 ) Larry Belmont Claire Tony Gladys Claffern 1.C


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