Organnizational Management and Safety1翻译.doc

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Organnizational Management and Safety Numerous organizations around the world do have good safety programs, Some of them, like NASA, have suffered tragic losses on the road to an effective program. . However, we don’t have to wait for a disaster to employ effective programs.One of the 1995 winners of the Innovations in American Government, sponsored by the Ford Foundation and the John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University, is the Maine Top 200 Experimental Targeting Program, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration.This is a program that “encourages employers to identify in-house workplace hazards and take corrective action before they lead to injury and illness”. As the award implies, industry and government do not always have to be at loggerheads to support safety programs that are both effective and cost-conscious.OSHA’s Maine 200 program allows interested employers to choose between working with OSHA to reduce injuries and illnesses or face increased enforcement.The companies received support in developing good safety management programs; in return, they were given the lowest priority for inspection.Since the program started in 1993, “employers self-identified more than fourteen times as many hazards as could have been cited by OSHA inspectors. Nearly six out of ten employers in the program have already reduced their injury and illnesses rates, even as inspections and fines are significantly diminished”.OSHA is now intending to expand the program nationwide. The key is companies and OSHA working together, and the first step is company management commitment. 13.1 Management Commitment Lake of management commitment directly affects the bottom line and market share. bottom line market share,The U.S. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) bars all planes that do not meet FAA safety regulations from flying into the United States.The FAA has publicly listed countries that are not allowed into the lucrative U.S. market because of lax safety co



