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新目标八年级上册英语第十单元教案 ? 课 题 Unit 10 I’m going to be a basketball player.教 学 目 标 知识与能力:运用be going to结构学习有关新年计划或愿望的英语表达。-What are you going to do next year? -I’m going to get good grades. 能听懂有关新年计划的词汇及表达;能进行有关新年计划的谈话;能读懂并从图片中获取有关新年计划的信息;能根据材料写一篇关于三人的新年愿望的短文。 ? 过程与方法:首先通过展示职业图片复习上一节课的语言知识;接着由谈论新年导入新课,介绍新年愿望的表达,让学生自然融入;然后缓缓导入阶梯状任务链(学习生词和句型,两人对话,听力训练,小组活动书写新年愿望等)循序渐进,难度不断加大,但坡度平缓,铺垫充分且扎实,最后让学生在轻松愉快中完成本课任务。 ? 情感、态度、价值观:通过对新年愿望、未来计划的思考和制定,让学生懂得憧憬美好的未来,从小养成做事有计划,有目的,并要通过不断地努力才能实现自己的梦想。 ? 教 材 分 析 教学重点:-What are you going to do next year? -I’ m going to … ? 教学难点:听力练习,写作练习。 教学关键:通过学生看图描述、老师引导、重复听录音和理解重点词语等措施,使学生熟悉听力及表达材料,以解决教学重点和难点。 ? 课 时 安 排 1 课? 件 多媒体 教?? 具 录音机 教 学 环 节 教学内容与过程 设计意图 Step1? Warming up ? Greet the class. Oral practice. Say the jobs they know. (幻灯片2) Talk about their dream jobs by showing some pictures on the screen.(幻灯片3--5) Help the class use the target language and make conversations in pairs.. ? ? Warm up! ? ? Revise the jobs. Revise the target language in Section A. ? ? ? ? Step2 Leading in ? ? Say: The New Year is coming. Do you have a New Year’s resolution? ( talk with the class)How to make a New Year’s resolution in English? Well, let’s learn it today. First, let’s learn some new words. (幻灯片6) ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Lead-in! ? ? Step3 Present ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?Step4 Speaking practice Teach and learn the new words by showing some pictures on the screen. (幻灯片7--11) Practice reading and using the words. Show some resolutions on the screen. (幻灯片12) Click it and get the students to listen and repeat the sentences. Make sure they can understand some key words in each sentence by showing the pictures to make them easier. Get the students to read the sentences aloud. ? ? Say: Now, Lets see 1a: Match the words with the pictures. Ok, you have got the right answers. Next, lets come to 1b. Ill ask you a question: -What are you going to do next year? Get the students to look at the pictures and help the class ask and answer in pairs. Then talk about: How are you g





