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晨读|为何这个海滨县城新冠死亡率全州最高? 文本导读 Why This?Coastal?County Has the Highest Covid Death Rate in Its State 为什么这个海滨县的新冠死亡率为全州最高? Ocean County, a coastal region in central New Jersey, is home to some of the state’s most exclusive?waterfrontcommunities and its fastest-growing town, Lakewood. 大洋县是新泽西州中部的一个沿海地区,这里拥有该州最高档的一些海滨社区,还坐落着发展最快的小镇莱克伍德。 As a Republican?bastion?in a state controlled by Democrats, the county is largely suburban, encompassing more land than all but one other county in New Jersey. 作为民主党控制的州中的一个共和党堡垒,该县在很大程度上属于郊区,占地面积在新泽西州位列第二。 Now, as the United States begins to?chart?a path through a third year of the pandemic, Ocean County also illustrates a stubborn public health challenge: A large share of its residents have not been vaccinated against the coronavirus, and its Covid-19 death rate is the highest in the state. 现在,随着美国开始为应对疫情的第三年头规划道路,大洋县也显示出了一个难以对付的公共卫生挑战:该县的居民中有很大一部分没有接种冠状病毒疫苗,这里的新冠死亡率是全州最高的。 The county has recorded 459 virus-related deaths for every 100,000 residents, state data show. This?outpacesfatality levels in every other county in New Jersey, an?affluent, well-educated and densely populated state still struggling to limit its virus death rate.? 该州数据显示,该县每10万居民中就有459人死于与冠状病毒有关的疾病。这一死亡率比新泽西州的其他所有县都高,新泽西州这个富足、受教育水平高、人口密集的州,仍在努力限制病毒死亡率。 晨读笔记 重点词汇 1.coastal?/?k??.st?l/ positioned on, or relating to the coast 沿海的 The?coastal?resorts are deserted in winter. 2.?waterfront?/?w??.t?.fr?nt/ a part of a town that is next to an area of water such as a river or the sea 滨水区的 She owns a popular tourist restaurant on the towns?waterfront. 3.?bastion?/?b?s.ti.?n/ something that keeps or defends a belief or a way of life that is disappearing or threatened 堡垒 British public schools are regarded as one of the last?bastions?of upper-class privilege. 4.?chart?/t?ɑ?t/ to arrange a plan of action 制定(行动计划) The local branch of the party is meeting to?chart?their election campaign. 5.?outpace?/?a?t?pe?s/ to move or develop faster than someone or something else 超过 The company h



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