英语高考一轮复习限时练unit 18学案 (附答案).docxVIP

英语高考一轮复习限时练unit 18学案 (附答案).docx

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英语高考一轮复习限时练Unit 18 一、词汇变形 1. vt.犯(错误、罪行等);承诺一 n.责任;义务;承诺 — — adi, 一致的;始终如一的- _n.连贯性;一致性 n.命令;指挥一 _n.指挥官 4. n.入口;通道;权利;机会一 adj. 容易理解的 5. vt.消除……的疲劳;使振作精神一 adi.使人精神振作 的一 n.恢复精神 6,— V.打扰;使不安一 adj.使人烦恼的一 n. 扰乱; 骚乱;不安 7.— V.有 的趋势;倾向于 ? ―? n.倾向; 趋势 8,— V.冷藏;冻结— _adj.严寒的; 冰冻的 9.— V.弯曲n.转弯处一 .adj.弯曲的 10. vt.对待一 n.对待;处理 11. vt.打;攻击n.罢工;打击一_ adj.引人注目的; 突出的 12. _ adj.明显的;明白的一 n. 证据 二、课文缩写 Ir 1 Margarets opinion, there was no consistent view on beauty. It is (reason) that our ideas of beauty are changing with time. For example, in 19th-century Europe, women used to wear corsets 2. (achieve) a body shape, but it 3. (consider) unhealthy now. Many factors have been influencing us while we are judging what is beautiful, of 4. culture remains a major one. In some countries, young women try to keep slim. in other cultures, 6. (look) thin is not what a woman desires at all. There are no precise criteria which can be used 7. (judge) what is beautiful because of many factors, 8. it is necessary for human race to survive. Physical beauty is very important, but some good personal qualities are 9. (important) than physical beauty. In other words, a persons inner beauty is the most important thing that we should 10. (true) see. 三、语法填空 “Beauty is 1. the eye of the beholder,, stated that there was no 2. (consistency) view on beauty. Across time and cultural groups, 3. (standard) of beauty change. In the 19th century, women used to wear corsets and men used to wear 4. (wool) shawls, but they are not regarded as attractions in the 21st century. Nowadays, in some countries, young women follow 5. (slim) diets in (prepare) for their wedding day, while in other countries, looking a little 7. (overweigh) is considered to be attractive. Life-long 8. (commit) and the survival of society itself rely 9. people seeing beauty in difference and depth. The human race would soon die 10. if we could only see beauty within a set of limited criteria. 四、 句式仿写 1 .在其他文化中,女人根本不想在未来丈夫眼中显得苗条..



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