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Time will pierc?e the surfa?ce or youth?, will be on the beaut?y of the ditch? dug a shall?ow groov?e ; Jane will eat rare!A born beaut?y, anyth?ing to escap?e his sickl?e sweep? .-- Shake?spear?e 考研复试英?语口试终极?整理版 1. 自我介绍 1).开场白 Good morni?ng,my dear profe?ssors?. I am very glad to be here for this inter?view. 2).姓名,年龄,籍贯,毕业院校,毕业专业,毕业学院 First? of all pleas?e allow? me to intro?duce mysel?f to you. My name is Wu XX,I am 24 years? old. I come from XX,a beaut?iful city of Fujia?n Provi?nce.My under?gradu?ate perio?d will be acomp?lishe?d in XX??Unive?rsity? in July 2009, Major?ing in Polym?er Mater?ial and Engin?eerin?g in the colle?ge of Chemi?stry and Mater?ial Sicen?ce. 3).性格,爱好,实践经验 Gener?ally speak?ing, I am open-minde?d, optim?istic?, and hard worki?ng . Four years? unive?rsity? educa?tion gives? me a lot of thing?s to learn?,a lot of chanc?es to try,and a lot of pract?ices to impro?ve mysel?f.I not only learn? a lot about? my major?,but also get much exper?ience?.I devel?op my inter?est and abili?ty to solve? probl?ems.??In my spare? time,I have sever?al hobbi?es .My favor?ite activ?ity is swimm?ing becau?se I grew up in a small? town near the seash?ore.Besid?es swimm?ing,I also inter?ested? in climb?ing and playi?ng ping-pong.I think? it is very impor?tant to keep balan?ce betwe?en stuy and leisu?re. 4).为什么想读?研,将来愿意从?事的方向,读研时的打?算 Altho?ugh I have acqui?red the essen?tial knowl?edge of my major?, I am not easil?y satis?fied with such super?ficia?l knowl?edge,becau?se there? is still? too much I don’t know. I will not be compe?tent to do thing?s profe?ssion?ally owing? to lack of ample? knowl?edge and abili?ty. So I think? furth?er study? is still? urgen?t for me to reali?ze self-value?. It is neces?sary to seize? any chanc?e for self-devel?opmen?t, espec?ially? in this compe?titiv?e moder?nworl?d. This is a very impor?tant reaso?n for me to take the postg?radua?te exams?. As is well known?, Sichu?an Unive?rsty is a famou?s unver?sity for its good reput?



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