人教版高中英语说课稿汉语unit 9Saving the earth教案.docVIP

人教版高中英语说课稿汉语unit 9Saving the earth教案.doc

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RSEFC 2A Unit 9 Saving the earth 教材分析 本单元的中心话题为“拯救地球”,通过课堂导入引出水污染、空气污染、环境破坏,乱砍乱伐树木等环境问题,围绕这一主题,结合听、说、读、写的训练达到熟悉话题表述,语言熟练应用,能运用所学知识就环境问题展开讨论,在口头上和笔头上阐述自己的观点,达到语言输出的目的。 “热身”(Warming up)部分,运用图片导入法,通过对所展示图片的讨论,引出环境保护、拯救地球的主题,初步了解学生对现状、原因、解决办法的掌握程度,并通过提问了解学生对本单元学习内容、学习策略、学习途径的愿望,以便教师及时调整其后课堂教学的内容、难度、和深度的把握。 “听力”训练由两大部分组成,分别安排在“听力”(Listening)和“综合技能”(Integrating Skills)两个部分。前者又由两部分组成,第一部分为纪念“世界地球日”活动上的讲话,阐述了保护水资源的必要性和紧迫性。第二部分围绕保护水资源的主题,介绍了如何保护水资源的具体措施;后者,作为综合语言运用部分,听力内容主要为其后的写作作为铺垫,除了敏锐捕捉语言信息以外,学生还需要了解发言稿的开篇、论证、以及结束。 “阅读”(Reading)relevant vocabulary. 3. To develop Ss speaking by practicing supporting an opinion. II. Teaching procedures Step 1 Warming up 1. Greetings 2. Talk about the pictures Present the students a series of pictures to assure them how serious the pollution is and ask them some questions about these pictures. ⑴ ⑵ ⑶ ⑷ ⑸ ⑹ Q1: What can you see in these pictures? How does it happen? Q2: What causes the problem? Q3: What are the biggest problems facing the earth? Why do you think so? Q4: Have you ever done something bad to the environment? Q5: Can you give me more examples that happened in peoples daily life and is bad for the environment? Step 2 Listening 1. Lead in More and more people are realizing the damage that is being done the environment and learning more and more harm that the environment is doing to our human inhabit. People are celebrating International Earth Day, when varieties of activities are held so that more people will be involved in environment protection. 2. While-listening Listen to Part 1 and answer the questions. Why is she giving this speech? What does she think the most serious problem is? What does she say that we should do about it? What do you think she will say next? Listen to Part 2 and fill in the blanks with what Ss hear. Argument 1: We should _____________. We must ____________________



