人教版新课标高中英语必修五nit5教学课件Using language.ppt

人教版新课标高中英语必修五nit5教学课件Using language.ppt

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Unit 5 First aid Using language Heroic teenager receives award 5. What saved Anne’s life? Homework Surf the Internet to find more information about first aid in following situation: bleeding, choking, drowning. To help the person who is choking you may follow these instructions. Try to make the person cough. Make sure that he is bending forwards. Then give him five quick, hard slaps between the shoulder blades with your hand. If the choking does not cease, take him to hospital immediately. choking Be sure you listen carefully. Sit the boy down. Don’t let him put his weight on his injured ankle. tell him to put his foot up on a chair. Make sure to put some ice on his ankle to bring down the swelling. Then tie up the ankle with bandage tightly. an ankle sprain Listening text A first aid quiz The first aid teacher (T) is testing her students’ knowledge of first aid. Listen to her questions and her students’ answers. T=teacher S=Sarah P=Peter R=Rachel J=Jim G=Gray Part 1 T: Let’s see just what you can remember. OK…Let’s say Luck has a nose bleed. What should he do…Sarah? S: Sit down and bend forward slightly. Squeeze her nose just below the bridge until the bleeding stops. T: Why should she lean forward? P: So she gets the blood all over the floor instead of on her clothes. (everyone laughs) T: Very funny, Peter. Rachel? R: So the blood runs out of her nose and not down her throat. If you swallow blood you might be sick. (everyone groans) T: That’s right. Part 2 T: OK, next situation. What should you do if someone’s clothes are on fire? Jim? J: Stop him from running around as that makes clothes burn faster. Tell him to drop to the ground and cover him up tightly with some thick cloth. T: And then what? J: Roll him along the ground until t he fire goes out. Then treat him for burns. T: Good. Part 3 T: OK, what about this one? What if your friend got a p




