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THE BIRTH OF A SCIENCE Task 2. Listen to the text to do the true or false questions 1. Before Carl Linnaeus, people didn’t manage to classify plant species into groups. 2. Linnaeus’ system was accepted by people 3. Rich as he was, he would not like to live a comfortbale life. 4. The British government paid for all the expenses for Joseph Banks. 5. The most important purpose of the expedition for James Cook is to search for an unknown southern continent. * Unit 4 Green world 更多资源 strawberry grass rose trees Science of studying plants is called botany Task1. Scan the text to answer: 1.How many people are mentioned in the text? Who are they? Were they all botanists? 2.In the title “The Birth of a Science”, “science” refers to_______. A. zoology(动物学) B. botany C. biology D. medicine Four. Carl Linnaeus, Daniel Solander, Joseph Banks and James Cook . No. B T T T F F Task3. Read the text. Paras1~2 How did scientists classify plants before Linnaeus? 2. How did Linnaeus classify plants? A new idea of grouping plants. Before Linnaeus, plants were classified into herbs and trees, or according to the shape of the fruit or whether they had flowers or not. He classified plants in families. Its system classifies plants according to the arrangement of the male and female organs in the flowers. Paras3~6 1.How many purposes did Captain Cook s expedition have? What were they? 2. Why did Joseph Banks have to supply his own money to equip the expedition? 3. What did Banks do during the expedition? 1.How many purposes did Captain Cook s expedition have? What were they? Three. (1) To study the passing of the planet Venus across the sun. (2) To classify and describe all plant and animal life observed during the trip. (3) To search for the unknown southern continent. 2. Why did Joseph Banks have to supply his own money to equip the expedition? 3. What did Banks do during the expedition? Because at that time, botany was a new field of



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