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2.memorise vt. 记住 (亦作: memorize) “He memorized the list of dates, but neglected (忽视) the main facts Learn…by heart Remember Memory n. –ries 记忆力 Grandmother has a good memory;she can remember things which happened many years ago. 回忆 I had happy memories of my school bear in memory 记着, 没有忘记 bring back to memory 使想起 come to ones memory 想起, 清醒过来 in memory of 纪念... Memorial n.(=monument) 纪念物; 纪念碑;纪念仪式 ;历史记载 memorials of a past age 一个昔日的历史记录 The Monument to the People’s Heroes 人民英雄纪念碑 adj.记忆的; 纪念的; 追悼的 7. acquire: to get for oneself by one’s own work, skill, action, etc. vt.获得, 学到 He has acquired an extraordinary command of(能自由应用=have a good command of)the English language. 8. make sense of 搞清……的意思 Can you make sense of what he says? 9. in other words I soon find the work I was doing had already been done by someone else --- in other words, I was wasting my time. 10. instruct: give knowledge or information to vt.教, 教导, 命令, 指示, 通知 His teacher instructed him in how to do it. 14. secure: sure to be won or not to be lost adj.安全的, 可靠的, 放心的, 无虑的 v.保护 His election is secure. 15. take risks/take a risk v.冒险 You have to take a lot of risks in my job. 16. experiment with In order to discover the crops most suited(适合的)to the soil, they are experimenting with various kinds of grain. 17. adopt: to take and use as one’s own 采用 I adopted their methods of making the machine. * * 1.motivation n.动机,促动因素, 动力 eg The stronger the motivation, the more quickly a person will learn a foreign language. 一个人学外语的内在要求越高, 那么他就学得越快。 motive n. 动机;目的( 指“任何使人产生行动的推动力、感情、愿望等”) His motive for working so hard is that he needs money.他这么卖命干的目的在于他需要钱。 adj.起动的;发动的 The motive power of trains is usually steam or electricity.火车的动力通常是蒸汽或电。 Motivate vt. -vated, -vating 引起动机;促起;激发 Examinations can motivate a student to seek more knowledge. 3.dictation n(c,u) 命令; 口授令人笔录;听写 Well have dictation today. 我们今天要听写了。 take sbs dictation



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