《医学遗传学》7年制课件Molecular Disease.ppt

《医学遗传学》7年制课件Molecular Disease.ppt

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3.1.Abnormal Hemoglobin 3.1.3.Pathogenesis Fusion gene Hb Lepore (MIM 141800.0045) Difference of beta delta chain Fusion Gene Hb Lepore Difference of beta delta chain LAHKYH LAHKYH QKVVAGVANA QKVVAGVANA EFTPPVQAAY EFTPQMQAAY VCVLAHHFGK VCVLARNFGK ENFRLLGNVL ENFRLLGNVL LHCDKLHVDP LHCDKLHVDP LKGTFATLSE LKGTFSQLSE FSDGLAHLDN FSDGLAHLDN KAHGKKVLGA KAHGKKVLGA PDAVMGNPKV PDAVMGNPKV FFESFGDLST FFESFGDLSS LLVVYPWTQR LLVVYPWTQR DEVGGEALGR DAVGGEALGR VTALWGKVNV VNALWGKVNV VHLTPEEKSA VHLTPEEKTA δ β δ β δ β ? G? A? ψ?1 ? ? 5? 3? Fusion Gene Hb Lepore Difference of beta delta chain ? ?? ? ?? Lepore Anti Lepore Fusion Gene Hb Lepore Difference of beta delta chain 3.2.Thalassemia Thalassemia is inherited anemia caused by decreased synthetic rate of hemoglobin. 3.2.Thalassemia 3.2.1.Terminology of Thalassemia Indicates no production of globin chain 0: Indicates diminished, but some production of globin chain by gene +: Indicates a gene deletion -: Indicates division between genes inherited from both parents /: Alpha thalassemia occurs when one or more of the four alpha chain genes fails to function. With alpha thalassemia, the “failed” genes are almost invariably lost due to a genetic accident. 3.2.Thalassemia 3.2.2.Alpha Thalassemia Molecular Disease Medical Genetics Emphasis Molecular Disease Pathogenesis of Abnormal Hemoglobin Pathogenesis of Thalassemia 1902, Garrod AE the incidence of alkaptonuria: a study in clinical individuality 1949, Pauling L Sickle cell anemia, a molecular disease. Science. 110: 543-548, 1949. 1948, H?rlein H, Weber G A disease in which the manifestations are due to an abnormality in or a deficiency of a particular molecule. Molecular Disease 1.Structure of Hemoglobin 1.Structure of Hemoglobin 1.1.Hemoglobin Alpha Chain 1 31 32 99 100 141 ?



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