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【标题】对《墙上的斑点》中意识流的分析 【作者】罗荣霞 【关键词】:伍尔芙;意识流;《墙上的斑点》;写作风格 【指导老师】宋家陵 曾琳玲 【专业】英语 【正文】 Ⅰ.Introduction Virginia Woolf?(1882-1941) is a modern remarkable woman writer and literary critic in England, an important representative of the writers of the stream of consciousness in Europe and America in the early 20th century. She was born in London, daughter of Leslie Stephen. She grew up as a member of a large and talented family, educating herself in her father’s magnificent library, meeting in childhood many eminent Victorians, learning Greek from Walter Pater’s sister. In 1912 she married Leonard Woolf, journalist, essayist, and political thinker; tighter they founded the Hogarth Press in 1917---a press which published some of the most interesting literature of our time, including an early volume of Eliot’s poems?(1919) and his Homage to John Dryden?(1924) as well as her own novels. Her suicide in March, 1941, resulting from her fear that she was about to lose her mind and become a burden on her husband, first revealed to the public that she had been subject to periods of nervous depression, particularly after finishing a book, and that underneath the liveliness and wit so well known among the Bloomsbury group lay disturbing psychological tensions. Greatly influenced by Henry James, Virginia Woolf works on the experiment and innovation of novel writing. And she is considered as the founder of psychological realist. She disliked the traditional way of novel writing and rebelled against some of the established contemporary British novelists, including Arnold Bennett, John Galsworthy and H.G..Wells. She called them?“materialism”, because?“they are connected not with the spirit but with the body”,?“that they write of unimportant things: that they spend immense skill and immense industry marking the trivial and the transitory appear the true and during.”1 During her short life, she published a lot of works such as novel, essay, autobiography, letter, poem, literary criti


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