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Part 1. Warming up chime: the sound produced by a bell or bells millennium: a span of one thousand years prospective: likely to become or be: prospective clients gala: a festive occasion, especially a lavish social event or entertainment. 节日, 祝贺, 特别娱乐 countdown: counting backward from an arbitrary number to indicate the time remaining before some event (such as launching a space vehicle) fanfare: a spectacular public display Kiribati: an island country of the west-central Pacific Ocean near the equator, straddling the equator and the International Date Line, about one-half of the way from Hawaii to Australia 越南 Vietnam: a country of southeast Asia in eastern Indochina on the South China Sea Hanoi The capital of Vietnam, in the northern part of the country on the Red River. Population: 1,089,760. Bangkok: The capital and largest city of Thailand, in the southwest. a leading port and industrial center with a major jewelry market. Population: 5,876,000 Egypt: Northern Africa, bordering the Mediterranean Sea, between Libya and the Gaza Strip You are going to hear some brief reports of Happy new Millennium celebrations. Listen and supply the missing words. 1. 2. Chinese New Year 3. Russia 4. South Africa 5. Britain 6. Kiribati 7. New Zealand 8. In Australia 9. Asia; In Hongkong 10. Singapore’s 11. In Vietnam 12. Thailand 13. South Korean 14. In Japan 15. Egypt 16. Europe Part II The Time Ball Time ball: a ball arranged to drop from the summit of a pole, to indicate true midday time, as at Greenwich Observatory, England. The red time ball on the roof of the Royal Observatory in Greenwich drops at 1:00pm to set world time. It has done this every day since 1833. install: set up for use observatory: a place or building for making observations on the heavenly bodies 天文台, 气象台 Key to Task A 1. The time ball was originally used as a marine ________. 2. The Greenwich time ball is said to be the world’s first public ___________. 3. The ball is autom


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