高中英语复习北师大版必修四《Unit 10 Money》课件 共19张PPT.pptVIP

高中英语复习北师大版必修四《Unit 10 Money》课件 共19张PPT.ppt

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Unit 10;Unit 10 Money;Communication Workshop;What do you think about the following gadgets? ;;Read the advertisement. Copy and complete the information about the product.;What is it called?;1. Title 2. The problem and the solution 1) What problems does the gadget solve? 2) What does it do? 3. The advantages give information about the design, materials, uses, convenience, etc. 4. The price / How you can get it ;Speaking:;Chris: Have you heard about the new dogwalker? It’s ______ great! Jane: No, what’s that? What does it do? Chris: Well, it’s a gadget. It takes your dog for a walk. It’s ______ convenient. Jane: But it’s ________ useful. Have you got a picture of it? Chris: Here it is. It’s got a brilliant design, with an _________ reliable motor – and a computer, too!;Jane: Why has it got a computer? Chris: Well, you can programme the dog’s walks. And the machine’s easy to carry. Jane: How much does it cost? Chris: It’s only £ 39.99. That’s _____ cheap. Jane: It isn’t. That’s __________ expensive! I’m sorry. I’m not buying it.;Now make a dialogue and try to sell your gadget to other students.;Listen to three sentences. Choose the correct meaning, according to the way each sentence is stressed.;1. The man at the back in the blue jacket. a) not the woman b) not the front c) not the green jacket 2. There is no doubt that it will help us to cure all sorts of illnesses. a) not some doubt b) not identify c) not diseases 3. By the year 2020, over 20 percent of the population will be over eighty. a) not the year 2010 b) not 30 percent c) not over 90;1. My watch-computer’s truly convenient! truly adv. 真正地;准确地 e.g. Experts agreed that this was a truly sensational performance. ;2. Well, it’s a disk to replace our textbook. replace是动词,意为: ①代替,取代; ②(用……)替换,(以……)接替(常用搭配:replace sb. / sth. with / by sb. / sth.); ③更换,更新;



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