高中英语复习北师大版必修四《Unit12 Communication Workshop课件 共19张PPT.pptxVIP

高中英语复习北师大版必修四《Unit12 Communication Workshop课件 共19张PPT.pptx

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Module 4 Unit 12 Communication Workshop Writing: An Informal Letter 合肥一中英语组 叶显鑫 An informal letter a letter to your relatives or friends Objectives To write an informal letter To revise linking words and expressions An Informal LetterLayout格式 Dear Sonia, How are you? Very well, I hope. Im sure my dog remember going for walks in the park with you-he barks when I say your name! Anyway, Im writing because theres only a month to go before I come to visit you. Maybe you can give me some advice so that Im fully prepared. First, what sort of present should I bring for your parents?Id also like to buy you a CD. So can you help me out?I know you like Queen, but I dont know which records youve got. Finally, what sort of clothes shall I bring? Will we be going anywhere special such as a party? Shall I bring anything formal ? Well, I have to go now as Ive got to study for a maths exam. Please write back soon and let me know. Im really looking forward to coming! Lots of love, SuzanneGreetingcommaIntroductionReason for writingReason to finishSign off Layout---An Informal LetterGreetingDear…,Introductionsay hello,ask a few personal questions and/or make a few chatty comments.How are you? Did you pass the exam? I hope so. The weather here is really bad at the moment. Last week I went to…Paragraph 1: State your main reason for writing.Anyway, Im writing to …Paragraph 2: Finish the letter with an excuse to stop writing.Well, I have to go now because …Signing off: Say goodbye and sign your name.See you soon/Write back soon/Lots of love,Suzanne [黄金表达] (一)开头语经典例句1.I am very glad to hear from you.2.Thank you for your letter.3. It is lovely to get your letter yesterday.4. It is great to hear from you last week.5.I was very



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