高中英语复习北师大版必修八《Unit23 writing》课件 共30张PPT.pptVIP

高中英语复习北师大版必修八《Unit23 writing》课件 共30张PPT.ppt

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Unit 23 Communication Workshop ;A Letter of Complaint;Lose at least 2 kilos a week by using the Tour de France exercise bike;1.Why does Jeffreys complain for “Tour de France” ? He has been using the bike for a month in order to lose weight, but he seems to put on weight instead of losing weight. 2.According to Jeffreys’s letter, do you know how to solve this problem? He would like to refund his money as soon as possible and pay compensation for the injuries that he has received. ;---的复印件 强健身体 一周至少减掉2公斤 好像 增肥 更糟糕的是 给出每分钟心跳200次的读数 全速 告诉某人不要做某事 从自行车上掉下来 手臂骨折 拉伤了腿部肌肉 三天不工作 拒绝退钱 起初,第一 补偿我的伤痛 在未来三周内得到肯定的答复 打算采取进一步行动 与—取得联系 为了寻求建议 建议采取法律行动;Match the titles (1-5) with the paragraphs(A-E):;the product: Tour de France, serial number, date of purchase, guarantee, receipt false claims: strengthen one’s body, lose 2 kilos a week but… poor quality: not stable, the speed control, the machine that...fall off the bike, pulled a muscle.. poor service: refuse…rude… the demands: give back money…compensate me for the injuries…;Linking Review; ; Look at the examples, then use the cues (1-8) to write similar sentences. Example The more I use the bike, the more weight I seem to put on. The earlier you leave, the sooner you will arrive.;1. The more I get to know her, the more I like her. 2. The more sport you play, the fitter you will get. 3. The harder you study, the better your marks will be. 4. The faster the boat goes, the more spray there will be. 5. The more dangerous the sport, the more I like it. 6. The older you get, the more difficult work becomes. 7. The more it rains, the fuller the dam will get. 8. The older the tram, the slower it goes. ; 1. as soon as possible 2. pay for 3. the more…, the more… 4. in contact with 5. look forward to doing ;Translation ;Different kinds of letters are for different purposes and should b



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