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周围神经肿瘤 (一)神经鞘膜瘤 分类:神经鞘瘤 neurilemmoma 神经纤维瘤 neurofibroma 二者来源相同,但临床表现和组织形态有差别。 (二)神经细胞源性肿瘤 神经母细胞瘤、节细胞神经瘤 1.神经鞘瘤 多见于中青年,女:男=2:1 发生部位:周围神经 颅神经,听神经瘤——发生于听神经 三叉神经 肉眼:大小不一,有完整包膜,质实呈圆 形或结节状; 常压迫临近组织不发生浸润; 灰白灰黄色,切面旋涡状,可有出 血,囊性变。 镜下:有两种组织形态: 束状型(Antoni A型) 网状型(Antoni B型) 可有过度型。 临床表现以其大小与部位而异。 Acoustic schwannoma Schwannoma 2.神经纤维瘤 发生部位:皮下,单发或多发 多发性——为神经纤维瘤病 肉眼:无包膜,界清,质实,切面灰白略透 明,呈旋涡状纤维; 极少有继发改变。 镜下:神经鞘膜细胞+纤维母细胞 HP11.18 CENTRAL CHROMATOLYSIS: cytoplasmic hyalinization and swelling with peripheral displacement of the nucleus and lipofuschin can be a response to either intrinsic neuronal disease (such as in poliomyelitis or other viral infections) or to interruption of the axon in close proximity to the cell body. In the latter setting, the term axonal reaction is applied. A 222 neurofibrillary change The blue-stained fibrillary bundle extends from the apical dendrite into the upper edge of the soma. An eosinophilic rodlike structure is adjacent to the lower margin of the soma. A 205 Ghost cell This anterior horn cell is homogeneously pale and structures. The neuronal processes are indistinct, and the usual polygonal shape of the neuron is not seen. The lipofuschin distinguishes such cells from spheroids, which are ballooned axons. A 337 wallerian degeneration Degeneration and loss of myelin, lipid-containing macrophages, proliferation of Schwann cells and fibroblasts are visible. * A 229 Senile plaque In the center of this view is a senile plaque whose core is surrounded by a radiating rim that contains three glial nuclei. Such a clear demonstration of a senile plaque with the hematoxylin and eosin stain is unusual. * slide * HP 11.39A Macrophages: discrete cell boundaries and vesicular cytoplasm serve to distinguish macrophages from other cellular constituents of the nervous system. Cognoscenti of the literature will be familiar with a number of colorful appellations given th


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