初中英语外研社课标版七年级下册(2011)M11U1Body Language 公开课.pptx

初中英语外研社课标版七年级下册(2011)M11U1Body Language 公开课.pptx

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WelcometoEileens class Lets watch. How does she help people?medical worker Module 11 Body LanguageUnit 1 They touch noses! Lets look and say. What do they do to greet each other?kissshake handsbow Lets listen for the main idea. What is the conversation mainly about?A. Different ways to shake hands.B. Different ways to learn body language.C. Different body language to welcome visitors.Tip1: Key words help you get the main idea. Lets listen for details. CountriesWays to welcome othersRussiaPeople usually __________ three times, left, right, left.ChinaPeople often __________ and __________.They sometimes __________.They never kiss. ____________Some people shake hands.Some kiss or __________ each other.IndiaThey __________ their hands and nod their heads.____________Maori people touch noses.kissshake handssmilenod headshugThe USputNew ZealandTip2: Write down the first (two) letters.the aborigines(土著民)the ethnic minorities(少数民族) Tibet 西藏 Lets listen for feelings. surprisedBetty: Lingling, you know, in Russia, people usually kiss three times, left, right, left.Lingling: ____________________________.What! No, I didn’t know thatBetty: And do you know what Maori people in New Zealand do when they meet?Lingling: _____________________.No. What do they do?curiousTip3: Use the rising tones and the falling tones to show your feelings. Lets conclude. RussiaChinaAmericaIndiaNew ZealandPeople do different things in different countries.amazingsurprisinginterestingstrangecommon 常见的embarrassing尴尬的unbelievable难以置信的... Lets think. What will Lingling do to welcome the Russian visitors?Respect the culture in different countries.When in Rome, do as the Romans do.the Chinese waythe Russian way Let’s talk.A: ___________, we learned a lot about the ways to welcome visitors today. You know, in __________, people ________________________. B: That’s __________. I didn’t know that. I like the way in __________ best. They ____________________________.A: And I think it is ___________ for __



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