上海中考英语作文范文 解析.doc

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上海牛津版本中考英语作文 考前模拟作文范文含解析 范文一 Write at least 60 words on the topic My experience of learning__(以“我学习____经历”为题,写一篇不少于60个词的短文,标点符号不占格) 从小到大,你一定有很多学习的经历。请结合你自己的一个学习经历,谈谈你是如何学学习中又获得了什么? 的,从 (注意:短文中不得出现任何人名、校名及其他相关信息,否则不予评分。) 词组提示: be interested in sth; work hard make progress give up; fail to do sth. succeed in doing sth. 【解析】本作文题是一个半命题作文,通过审题可以找到此题目的关键词是“学习”和“经历”。我们首经历了什么。在结尾部分可以写出通过这个学习经历获得了什么启发。题目后面所给的参考词汇可先需要补充完整标题,以说明是学习什么的经历。然后应该比较充实地描写是如何学习的,在学习中运用到作文中去。 My experience of learning the piano When I was four years old , I began to learn to play the piano . I started very young because I wanted to be a pianist in the future. I played the piano about six hours a day. Sometimes I failed to make progress though I had practised very hard. I never give up because I am sure my dream will come true. Now the piano has become my good friend. When I play it, I feel like we are talking with each other.I love my piano so much because it has brought me a lot of happiness, and confidence. 范文二 .Write at least 60 words according to the given (根据所给情境,写一篇不少于60词的回帖,标点符号不占格) Reading problemMike Reading problem Mike I know reading is very important in English learning. But I cant read as fast as most of my classmates and I always fail to finish the reading part in time in English tests. Im very worried. Whats the problem? What should I do? 【解析】这是一篇情境作文,要求对某一帖子作出回应,因此写话的内容必须要对应情境中给出的内容。情境中Mike描述了自己阅读速度慢,英语测验时完成不了阅读部分试题的困扰,同时给出了两个关键问题Whats the problem?What should I do?这些都为确定写话内容给出了提示,同学们可以围绕情境中Mike描述的问题进行分析,进而提出解决的方法及建议。 Hi, Mike. In my opinion, you have such a problem probably because of improper reading habits. And the best way to solve the problem is to develop good habits of reading. First, youd better avoid reading word by word. Instead, focus on the main idea and the key information. Second, its not wise to stop reading when a new word appears. Learn to use context clues to find out the meaning. Whats more, timing yourself while reading is a good way. In short, I hope my suggestions



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