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初中英语·人教山西专版·八年级下册 专项素养综合全练(六) 跨学科专题   Ⅰ.阅读理解   请阅读下面的非连续性文本,根据语篇内容,回答问题。 【跨学科·化学】(2022山西中考改编) The footprints mean the influence that a person’s or organization’s activities have on the environment. Simply understanding it is very useful to us. (Let’s take the example of Mr. Brown’s footprints.) The Water footprint Water is the source of life. We use water directly for drinking, cooking and washing, but we also use water indirectly for producing things such as food, paper and cloth. A water footprint tells us how much water is being used. It can help us come up with ways to save water. You can learn about how your daily habits influence your water use through the food you eat, the things you buy and even the energy you use. Food The water Footprint an apple 70 litres(升) a cup of coffee 140 litres a kilo of beef 15,500 litres one hamburger 2,400 litres (Chart Ⅰ) Mr. Brown’s Water Footprint breakfast: a hamburger, a cup of coffee lunch: a cup of coffee, a sandwich, an apple dinner: vegetable salad, 0.2 kilo of beef (Chart Ⅱ) The Carbon(碳) footprint   A carbon footprint is the total amount of CO2 a person or organization produces. We can use it to understand the influence of personal behavior on global warming (全球变暖). Most people are surprised when they see how much CO2 their activities create. Then they begin to think about changing their daily habits to reduce(减少) their carbon footprints. For example, they can walk instead of using a car. The Carbon Footprint (Each of the following activities adds 1 kilo of CO2.) travel 10 to 12 km by train or bus drive 6 km by car produce 5 plastic bags use your computer for 32 hours (Chart Ⅲ) Mr. Brown’s Carbon Footprint drive to work 24 km drive to the supermarket 5 km use 5 plastic bags for shopping use his computer for about 8 hours (Chart Ⅳ) How to reduce your water footprint and carbon footprint to be greener Tip 1: Save water and electricity When you are at home, don’t leave the water or lights on when you don’t need it. Tip 2



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