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各类应???分句型挖空练习(含答案) 新闻报道 开头段 1. , students from HongXing Middle School participated in a mountain-climbing activity the Students Union last Monday morning. 为了增强体质,上周?上午,红星中学的学?参加了由学?会组织的登?活动。 Aiming to build up health;organized by 2. , all the students paid a visit to Xiwang Agricultural Ecology Garden on the morning of April 29th, the experience of nature and their horizons.4 ? 29 ?上午,我校组织全体同学参观了希望农业?态园, 体验?然,开阔视野。Organized by our school;aiming to savor;broaden 中 间 段 : 1. , the activity at 8 am on Saturday morning , for three hours. 活动如期于周六上午 8 点举?, 持续 3 个?时。As scheduled;started;lasting As scheduled, we outside the school gate at 8:00 a.m. and the destination .按照计划,我们早上8 点在学校? ?外集合,兴?采烈地前往?的地。assembled;headed for;in high spirits It was not until half past six in the evening the activity . 直到晚上 6 点半,活动才结束。that; came to an end 结尾段:1.The exhibition turned out to be . Not only has it brought joy to us but also broadened our horizons. Every expects another one.展览取得了巨 ?成功.它不仅给我们带来了欢乐,也开阔了我们视野.每个参与者都期望有另?个.a great hit;participant This activity proved to be a success, our willpower and us more confident about our future study.这次活动很成功,增强了我们的意志?,让我们对未来的学习更有信?。Strengthening;making Through this activity, students a better understanding of modern agriculture, their horizons, and their awareness of green life as well.通过这次活动,同学们对现代农业有了更深?的了解,开阔了眼界,也提?了对绿??活的认识。gained;broadening;raised 咨询信 开头段(背景+?的): 1.I am more than thrilled to see your advertisement for the position in ..... . Thus, I am writing this letter more information it.我很?兴看到贵公司在……刊登招聘?告...。因此,我写这封信是希望能得到更多的信息。with the hope of getting/ hoping to get;of / regarding / concerning Sorry to you, I am writing to you about further information of / with regard to / regarding / concerning 很抱歉打扰您,我写信是想向您咨询关于…… 的更多信息 disturb;consult I am writing your advertisement with regard to / regarding / concerning , and I want to get information of it.我写这封信是 为了回复贵公司的?告/关于/关于……,我想得到更详细的信息。in response to;more detailed


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