软件工程外文文献—基于Spring Boot的教学质量.docx

软件工程外文文献—基于Spring Boot的教学质量.docx

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PAGE 20 外文原文 Design and Implementation of Teaching Quality Evaluation System Based on Spring Boot ABSTRACT? In order to enhance the integration, standardization and network of teaching quality evaluation, SWPU (Southwest Petroleum University) proposes teaching quality evaluation system based on Spring Boot as a part of smart campus construction. This system adopts the B/S structure to design the system function module and system database.In addition, it utilizes the IDEA tool management project, which enables a normative and consistent way to integrate the information resources, such as personnel system and educational administration system. As such, the system realizes sharing data and ensures practicability and scalability. 1. INTRODUCTION Outline of the National Medium-and Long-Term Education Reform and Development Plan (2010-2020) pointed out It is necessary to improve the evaluation of education and teaching, establish scientific and diverse evaluation according to the training objectives and talent concepts, carry out educational quality evaluation activities involving the government, schools, parents and society, do a good record of students growth, and improve the comprehensive quality evaluation Kan Ji, Network and Information Center, Southwest Petroleum University, Chengdu, 610500, China XiaoJun Chen, Network and Information Center, Southwest Petroleum University, Chengdu, 610500, China Aoming Qin, School of Computer Science, Southwest Petroleum University, Chengdu, 610500, China Jia Liu, School of Computer Science, Southwest Petroleum University, Chengdu, 610500, China Jinmei Wu, School of Computer Science, Southwest Petroleum University, Chengdu, 610500, China and then explore various evaluation methods to promote student development[1]. The evaluation in teaching quality in universities allows better understanding students learning situation and examining teachers classroom and teaching process. Teaching quality evaluation is a systematic and compl



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