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关于冰墩墩的高考英语阅读 Mascots for the 2022 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games unveiled on Tuesday by the Beijing Organizing Committee included Bing Dwen Dwen and Shuey Rhon Rhon. 本周二,北京奥组委公布了2022年冬奥会和残奥会的吉祥物,其中包括“冰墩墩”和“雪容融”。 Bing Dwen Dwen is designed with the panda as its prototype. The mascot has two elements – ice and panda. The former symbolizes purity and perseverance, which is a feature of the Winter Olympics. The latter means honesty, health, liveliness, and loveliness in accordance with the image of the panda, which symbolizes strong body, tough will of the Winter Olympics athletes and inspiring Olympic spirit. “冰墩墩”是以熊猫为原型设计的。吉祥物有两个元素——冰和熊猫。前者象征纯洁和毅力,这是冬季奥运会的一个特点。熊猫的形象代表着诚实、健康、活泼、可爱,象征着冬季奥运会运动员强壮的身体、坚强的意志和鼓舞人心的奥林匹克精神。 The combination of panda image and ice crystal shell reflects the winter events and modern technology. The shell head, taken from the ice sports helmet decorated with a multi-colored halo, is inspired by the National Speed Skating Oval of the Winter Olympics. The flowing bright colored lines symbolize the ice sports track and 5G technology. The heart pattern in the left-hand palm represents the warm welcome from the host country to friends around the world. 熊猫形象与冰晶壳的结合体现了冬季事件与现代科技。贝壳头,取自装饰着多彩光环的冰雕运动头盔,灵感来自冬奥会国家速滑椭圆。流动明亮的线条象征着冰雪运动赛道和5G技术。左手掌心的心形图案代表着东道国对世界各国朋友的热烈欢迎 Bing Dwen Dwen resembles an astronaut implying the extraordinary creation and exploration of the future. “冰墩墩”就像一个宇航员,暗示着非凡的创造和对未来的探索。 Shuey Rhon Rhon is designed with lanterns as its prototype. As a world-recognized Chinese symbol for over 2,000 years, the lanterns represent harvest, celebration, warmth and light. “雪容融”以灯笼为原型设计。作为一个具有2000多年历史的世界公认的中国象征,灯笼代表着丰收、庆祝、温暖和光明。 Lanterns are dominated by Chinese red, which conveys the atmosphere of the 2022 Chinese New Year. The mascots represent friendship, courage and strength, reflecting the fighting spirit of the Winter Paralympic athletes and the Winter Paralympics tenet – to inspire the world.



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