专题01 单句语法填空100道(重点单词全覆盖)-2021-2022学年高一英语下学期期中复习查缺补漏冲刺满分(牛津译林2020).docx

专题01 单句语法填空100道(重点单词全覆盖)-2021-2022学年高一英语下学期期中复习查缺补漏冲刺满分(牛津译林2020).docx

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优点英语 试卷第 =page 1 1页,共 =sectionpages 3 3页 牛津译林2020高一英语下学期期中复习 查缺补漏冲刺满分 (重点单词全覆盖) 专题01 单句语法填空100道 1.I didn’t mean ______ (eat) anything but the ice cream looked so good that I couldn’t help ______ (try) it. 2.Some classmates suggest we ________ (go) to places of interest nearby. I think that it is a good idea. 3.I am interested in novels in general, detective novels ________ particular. 4.Landing on the moon’s far side is ________ (extreme) challenging. 5.In ________ word, the audience were disappointed by his performance. 6.To keep fit, I determined ________ (get) rid of these bad habits. 7.He is a kind and ________ old man and he ________ contributed a lot of money to the village primary school last week. His ________ is worth admiring. (generous) 8.After a short break, they carried on their discussion, hoping to reach an ________ (agree). 9.While sending flowers as gifts, we can’t choose flowers arbitrarily (任意地), because different flowers may carry different ________ (mean). 10.It is ________(significance) in a long run for TCM to team up with Western medicine. 11.Where he once felt like giving up, he now has the________(determine) to push further and keep on going. 12.Neighbors devoted their spare time to ________ (help) others rebuild. 13.Many people are able to ________ themselves fully to their careers and their ________ can bring them huge success. (devote)??? 14.She must be________?(sense) to cold, for she is wearing so heavy clothes in early winter. 15.As long as you attempt ________ (take) regular practice towards your goal, you’re heading in the right direction. 16.The old professor has a large ________ (collect) of ancient vases dating back to the Ming Dynasty. 17.He believed that his son was capable________ analyzing and solving the problem. 18.We all bear ________ (collect) responsibility for this decision. 19.China has made great ____ (achieve) in modern culture and art. 20.We can see from his ________ look that he gets ________ about t



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