5 理解文化跨文化交际入门.pdf

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UUndndersersttaandndiinngg CCuultltuurere 理解文化 1 1 4 What is culture? 2 Characteristics of culture 3 The important elements of culture 4 How to find out about people s values? 2 1 What is culture? l Culture is a very general concept. l Semantically, the word culture” stems from the Latin colere”, ttrrananssllaattababllee aass ttoo bubuilild ond on””,, ttoo cucultiltivavatte,e, andand ttoo ffoosstterer””.. lCulture is an integrated system of learned behavior patterns which are characteristic of the members of a society and which are not the result of biological inheritance. Simply put, culture is the total way of life that a group of people shares. 3 1 What is culture? lEdward T Hall (1966) defined culture as those deep, common, unstated experiences whichthose deep, common, unstated experiences which members of a given culture share, which they communicate without knowing, and which form the backdrop against which all other events arejudged .” 4 1 What is culture? l Two normal uses of culture (Scollons 2001 ) l high culture and anthropological culture ll HHiighgh cucultltuurree ffocuocusseess onon iinntteellllececttuauall and and aarrtitisstiticc achachiieveevemmenenttss.. WWee name it as Big C”. l Culture in its anthropological sense (or small C) refers any of the customs, worldview, language, kinship system, social organization, and other taken-for-granted day-to-day practices of a people wh



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