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经典专科、本科、硕博、研究生、期刊毕业论文 仅供参考 精心整理 仅供参考 勿用作商业用途 目录 TOC \o 1-3 \h \z \u 摘要 (1) ABSTRACT (2) 第1章 引言 (3) 1.1 研究背景 (3) 1.2研究内容 (3) 第2章 相关研究综述及本文研究设计 (4) 2.1 相关研究综述 (4) 2.2 本文研究设计 (5) 第3章 调查数据分析 (6) 3.1 人口统计学特征分析 (6) 3.2 旅游行为特征分析 (8) 3.3 旅游满意度特征分析 (10) 第4章 苏州市老年旅游市场发展建议 (15) 4.1 发挥政府引导作用,规范老年旅游市场 (15) 4.2 合理细分苏州老年旅游市场 (16) 4.3 完善老年产品和服务供给,促进市场均衡发展 (16) 4.4 制定合理价格策略 (17) 4.5 完善促销宣传策略 (18) 第5章 结语 (18) 5.1 结论 (18) 5.2展望 (19) 参考文献 (20) 经典专科、本科、硕博、研究生、期刊毕业论文 仅供参考 精心整理 仅供参考 勿用作商业用途 苏州市老年旅游市场发展研究 摘要 随着我国人口老龄化的加深,老年产业越来越受到重视,而旅游是现代老年人满足生理与心理需求的重要方式之一,因此老年旅游市场也愈发被重视。近年来,各行各业都在不断踊跃探索老年产业的有关发展模式,潜力巨大的老年旅游市场作也迎来了新的发展机遇。本文采用问卷调查法,以在苏州市旅游的55岁及以上的老年人为研究对象,重点调查了解老年旅游者的旅游行为特征以及在苏州旅游的满意度及影响因素,并在此基础上提出一些苏州市发展老年旅游市场的对策与建议,希望可以为苏州老年旅游市场的发展提供参考和借鉴,更好的满足老年人的旅游需求,促进苏州旅游业发展。 关键词: 老年旅游市场; 旅游行为;旅游满意度;发展建议;苏州 ABSTRACT With the deepening of population aging in our country, more and more attention has been paid to the elderly industry, and tourism is one of the important ways for the modern elderly people to meet their physiological and psychological needs. Therefore, the elderly tourism market is increasingly being valued. In recent years, all walks of life have been actively exploring the development model of the elderly industry, and the potential of the elderly tourism market has also ushered in new opportunities for development. In this paper, a questionnaire survey method was used to study elderly people aged 55 and over who traveled in Suzhou City, focusing on the understanding of the characteristics of tourism behaviors of senior citizens and the satisfaction and influencing factors of tourism in Suzhou. Based on this, some suggestions were made. The measures and suggestions for the development of the old-age tourism market in Suzhou City hope to provide reference and reference for the development of the old-age tourism market in Suzhou, to better meet the tourism needs of the elderly and to promote the development of tourism in Suzhou. Key Wor



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