沪教七年级英语下Unit8From hobby to career公开课优质课比赛获奖课件.ppt

沪教七年级英语下Unit8From hobby to career公开课优质课比赛获奖课件.ppt

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Unit 8 From hobby to career Lead -in What do you like? Hobbies watching films drawing pictures reading books taking photos playing soccer listening to music singing songs playing basketball playing the guitar dancing … running listening to news watching films reading books listening to music listening to news Pre-reading I turn my hobby into my cacreer. I started learning English. I used to(过去常常) read and write English. I got good grades and wanted to learn more. I studied English as my major(专业). I’m proud of being an English teacher. ② ① ④ ③ ⑤ I started ... I used to... …to learn more …majored in… English teacher (years old) 13 14--15 16--18 university now Q1: What’s the writer’s hobby? Q2: What’s probably his job now? Studying stars. Fast-reading A TV programme host. The Sky at Night Reading tips (策略): Skimming(略读):Read the title. Scanning(寻读):Know where to underline the information. P105 Reading Detail-reading Read Para.1 Para.2 and fill the blanks. When I was eight, I __________________. That was the beginning of my ___________. I ______________ with my mum on clear nights and look at the sky. looked like ____________________________ different ____________ in different ______ stars _____________ across the sky got a book about stars lifelong hobby used to go outside black velvet with a million diamonds groups of stars seasons shooting brightly Reading tips: 3. Searching for the key words(关键词). n.天鹅绒 n.钻石 v.飞驰 Detail-reading Read Para.3 and discuss. Q1: Why is Patrick’s lifelong hobby---- studying stars? Q2: How can he help pepole in his programme? He uses his _________ to tell people about the stars ____________. Q3: How long has his programme lasted(持续)? ___________________ (thinking learning more) Studying the stars was great fun. knowledge in a lively way Reading tips: 4. Thinking while reading. More than 50 years. n.知识 adj.生动的 seeing/w



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