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Module 10 AustraliaUnit 3 Language in use Words revisioncentrecentral中心(n.)________ (adj.) _________高的(adj.) _______(n.)___________绵羊(n.)________ (pl.)____________懒惰的(adj.)______(比较级)___________ (最高级)_________澳大利亚(n.)_________(adj.)_____________ 澳大利亚人_________________6. 躺,位于(v.)_______(第三人称单数)________ (现在分词)_______________7. 使…吃惊(v.)_________ (adj.)_____________ /___________heighthighsheepsheeplazylazierlaziestAustraliaAustralianAustralianlielieslyingsurprisesurprisingsurprisedWords revisionTom’s mum asked him to buy two pairs of _________(剪刀) in the supermarket.2. The coat looks very warm. It is made of _______(羊毛).3. There is a photo of some ________(羊)eating grass on the wall. 4. Mrs White is very ________(懒惰的). She sweeps the floor once a month.5. The radio says there will be heavy rain in ________ and western parts of our country this afternoon. scissorswoolsheeplazycentral1. ask sb. to do sth.2. keep a diary3. on the first many ways5. in one’s own way6. be surprised at7. keep sb./sth. away8. according to 9. Don’t worry. 10. cut sth. off sth. 11. brush sth. off sth.让某人去做某事写日记在第一天在许多方面用某人自己的方式对…感到惊奇使不靠近根据别担心把某物从某物上剪掉把某物从某物上刷掉1. 马克,别担心,她只是感冒了。 Mark, ______ ________! She’s just caught a cold.2. 我认为写日记能帮助你提高英语。 In my opinion, ________ ______ ________ can help you improve your English. 3. 据罗斯说,你在考虑换工作。 _____________ ______ Ross, you’re considering changing your job.4. 老师让我们选择一个想去的国家。 My teacher ________ us _____ choose a country we want to visit.5. 他们手里拿着的剪子是用来剪羊毛的。 The scissors that they’re __________ are used to ________ the wool ______ the sheep. don’tworrykeepingadiaryAccordingtoaskedtocutholdingoff6. 他们戴着特别的帽子能赶走苍蝇。 They wear ________ _______ that ______ the flies ________.7。 大多数澳大利亚人说英语,但以他们自己的方式。 Most Australians speak English, but _____ _________ ________ ________.8. 第二天,我们乘骆驼旅行。 ______ _______ _______ ______, we went on _____ _______ _______.9. 他们和我们在很多方面相似。 They are like us ______ __________


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