奥斯卡电影 小丑2019 中英文剧本.docx

奥斯卡电影 小丑2019 中英文剧本.docx

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电影小丑 中英文剧本 整理辛苦,仅供英文爱好者学习 新闻永不停歇 The news never ends. 这里是1080哥谭市广播 This is ten eighty GCR, 全天候为您播报您所需的新闻 you get all the news you need, all day long. 早上好 现在是10月15日星期二 气温5摄氏度 Good morning. Its 42° and 10:30 on this Thursday October 15. 我是斯坦戴尔·布罗斯通 为您播报新闻 Im Standale Brodston. Heres whats happening. 今天是垃圾处理罢工的第十八天, 堆积的垃圾以每天一万吨的速度递增 Its day eighteen of the garbage stall, with 10,000 tons of garbage piling up every day, 就连城中最漂亮的区域如今也如同沼泽地一般 even the nicest sections of the city are looking like swamps. 卫生局局长爱德华·欧罗克 宣布全城进入紧急状态 这是几十年来第一次 Health commissioner Edward ORoark is declaring a citywide state of emergency for the first time in decades. 没必要等到有人丧命 或是感染伤寒病倒 Theres no need to wait until somebody dies or comes down with typhoid fever. 情况已经很紧急了 Its already a serious situation. 城中几乎所有人都深受其害 无论他们姓甚名谁 家住何处 Its something that affects almost everyone in the city, no matter who they are or where they live. 不管你走到哪条街 都会看到垃圾和老鼠 You cant go down no one avenue without seeing nothing but garbage and rats. 已经开始影响我的生意了 顾客们因为这些垃圾没办法进来店里 Its starting to affect my business when customers cant get in here because of garbage situation. 在街上不但闻得到 还看得到 很可怕 When out there, not just smell it, but I think to look at it, its terrible. 我没怎么受影响 除了... 除了那难闻的臭味 太可怕了 It dont affect me, except for the the very bad smell, its horrific. 一团糟 The mess. 我来这个国家五十年了 从没见过这种情况 Ive been in this country for 50 years and Ive never seen anything like it. 这个世界到底要沦为什么样子了 What is this world coming to? 把他们关进一间房间里 让他们坐着直到讨论出个解决方法来 Put them in the room and sit there and talk till they got it over with. 24小时 48小时 直到有结果为止 24 hours, 48 hours, how long it takes. 让国民警卫队出手清理 是个好主意 The idea of the National Guard pulling in and cleaning up, its good idea! 下条新闻 建筑商和业主 今日表达了对取暖用油油价上涨的担心 In other news, the Building Industry and Landlords today expressed concern over the latest increase in heating oil prices. 大都会的租客必将... Renters in the Metro area are certain to... 肯尼乐器行 倒闭大甩卖 一件不留 整他 Lets get it. -你的鞋子怎么了 老兄 -这身行头不错啊 - Y


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