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精品文档 . 安检是安全技术检查的简称,它包含,证件检查、人身检查、物品检查。我们的学生正在进行的是人身检查。手工人身检查遵循由上到下、由里到外、由前到后的程序。检查要领--顺身体自然形状通过安检仪和手的按压、拍打来检查出藏匿的物品。 开箱包检查:1、观察外层,检查外层的小口袋和有拉链的外夹层。2、检查内层,用手延箱内各侧面上下摸查,检查箱内物品。如箱内有小瓶液体,需要将瓶盖打开,进行闻查。 我校铁路运输管理专业本学期开设铁路地勤课程。在课堂上,任课教师精心传授手检,箱捡流程,学生努力学习,通过使用安检仪实地操作,取得了良好的学习效果。感谢收看 Security is short for safety technical inspection, it includes, certificate check, personal check, and items inspection. Our students are showing personal check. Manual Personal check followed from top to bottom, from inside to outside, from the front to the rear. Check main point –along the bodys natural shape, through the security apparatus and hand pressing, tapping to check out the hidden items. The luggage examination: 1, observe the outer, to check outer zippered pockets . 2, check the inner, hand up and down the sides of the box extension then check the items in the cabinet. If there is a vial liquid inside you need to open the bottle to smell . In our school, The rail traffic management major opened the railway ground courses .In class, the teachers taught handing inspection, and the box pick up process . the students study hard ,through the using of the security apparatus ,operation in the fields ,has the good effects of learning. Thank you for watching. 安检是安全技术检查的简称,它包含,证件检查、人身检查、物品检查。我们的学生正在进行的是人身检查。手工人身检查遵循由上到下、由里到外、由前到后的程序。检查要领--顺身体自然形状通过安检仪和手的按压、拍打来检查出藏匿的物品。 开箱包检查:1、观察外层,检查外层的小口袋和有拉链的外夹层。2、检查内层,用手延箱内各侧面上下摸查,检查箱内物品。如箱内有小瓶液体,需要将瓶盖打开,进行闻查。 我校铁路运输管理专业本学期开设铁路地勤课程。在课堂上,任课教师精心传授手检,箱捡流程,学生努力学习,通过使用安检仪实地操作,取得了良好的学习效果。感谢收看 Security is short for safety technical inspection, it includes, certificate check, personal check, and items inspection. Our students are showing personal check. Manual Personal check followed from top to bottom, from inside to outside, from the front to the rear. Check main point –along the bodys natural shape, through the security apparatus and hand pressing, tapping to check out the hidden items. The luggage examination: 1, observe the outer, to check outer zippered po


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