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第 46 卷 第 15 期 电力系统保护与控制 Vol.46 No.15 2018 年 8 月 1 日 Power System Protection and Control Aug. 1 2018 DOI: 10.7667/PSPC17 1803 智能变电站综合测试仪的研究与实现 1 2 2 李志勇 ,孙发恩 ,瞿晓宏 (1.许昌开普电气研究院,河南 许昌 461000;2.积 电子股份有限公司,山东 济南 250100) 摘要:针对 目前智能变电站功能复杂、产品多样、实时性要求高的特 ,设计了一种功能全面、测试可靠的综合 测试仪。该测试仪支持站控层监控系统、间隔层 IED 、过程层设备、交换机、校时等设备的性能测试。根据设定 测例及流程 自动进行正向、负向测试,生成测试报告,方便了后续测试缺陷的查询及修正。该测试仪解决了现有 测试仪功能单一、性能测试缺失的问题,提高了测试的效率和质量。通过对相关设备的测试及试验验证,表明该 综合测试仪性能优异,达到了预期的目标。 关键词:IEC 61850 ;智能变电站;自动化测试;综合测试 Research and implementation of integrated tester for smart substation LI Zhiyong1 SUN Faen2 QU Xiaohong2 (1. Xuchang Ketop Electric Research Institute Xuchang 461000 China; 2. Integrated Electronic Systems Lab Co. Ltd Jinan 250100 China) Abstract: Considering the characteristics of smart substation such as complex functions various products and high real time requirement this paper designs an integrated tester with full functionality and reliable testing. The tester supports performance testing of the station control layer monitoring system bay layer IED the process layer device switches timing device etc. On the basis of predefined test cases and process it can automatically carry out the positive and negative test and generate the test report which is convenient for searching and correcting the test defects. This te


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