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外卖订餐系统设计与实现 外卖订餐系统设计与实现 摘 要 在这个互联网时代,人们的生活已离不开网络,日常生活将会变得更加数字化,虚拟化。电子技术的发展,加快了人们的生活节奏,使人们变得更加依赖网络。为了提高餐饮服务业务水平和效率,实现快捷订餐方式,外卖订餐系统因运而生。 论文中详细地对外卖订餐系统进行了需求分析和总体设计,网站采用C#语言作为网站开发语言,数据库为SQLSever2008,即通过采用ASP.NET技术来实现网站的设计,并最终以vs2010为开发环境来实现整个网站。 本网站能够为客户提供浏览菜品,点餐订餐,送餐等服务。本网站开发内容分为会员模块和管理员模块。会员模块包括会员注册,会员登录,会员中心,订餐有哪些信誉好的足球投注网站,订餐车功能,订餐功能,地址管理,留言功能,注销;管理员模块包括登录,菜品管理,营养指南管理,留言管理,会员管理,员工管理,用户管理,销售订单及统计管理,配送管理,订单处理,注销退出等主要功能。本文详细介绍了该网站分析及设计过程。 关键词:外卖订餐 ASP.NET SQLSever 网站开发 Abstract In this age of Internet, peoples lives are inseparable from the Internet. Everyday life will become more digitalized and virtualized. The development of electronic technology has accelerated the pace of peoples life and made people more dependent on the Internet. In order to improve the service level and efficiency of catering business and realize the quick ordering method, the takeaway ordering system is born. The detail of Aberdeen U ordering website of demand analysis and the overall design, the website uses the Java language as a web development language, database SQLSever2008, design by using ASP.NET technology to realize the website, and ultimately to vs2010 development environment to achieve the whole website. This website can provide customers with browsing dishes, ordering, ordering, serving and other services. The content of this website is divided into membership module and administrator module. The membership module includes member registration, member login member center, search ordering, ordering vehicle function, reservation function, address management, message function, cancellation; administrator module includes login, menu management, nutrition guide management, message management, membership management, staff management, user management, sales and distribution management, statistics management. Order processing, the main function of logout etc.. This paper introduces the analysis and design process of the website. Key words: reservation website  ASP.NET



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