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BEC Vantage ExamReading Reading Part One 第一项:句子与文章的匹配 实用技巧: 正确的句子中一般不会用于文章中相同的单词或词组来表达。 寻找与被选句子中某个细节表达相一致的文章。(通常一致是指近义词的使用和同义表达的使用) 一般每一篇文章至少被选一次。 本项中的解题顺序应该是:在阅读完一个被选句子后,用快速阅读的方法,迅速找到答案。切忌阅读全文。 Part One The need to teach skills to employees working on the outsourced (使用外界力量, 大公司雇佣合同工人来完成某项工作而不是公司自己做 )process Remembering the initial reason for setting up the outsourced project The need to draw up agreement that set out how integration is to be achieved Addressing the issue of staff who work on the outsourced process being at a distant site The importance of making someone responsible for the integration process Staff on the outsourced project familiarizing themselves with various details of the business Problems being associated with an alternative to outsourcing Articles Paragraph A They fail to establish contract that define the ways …two companies will work alongside one another… Paragraph B It is critical to have an individual in charge to check… Because … this creates a training element. Paragraph C …and outsourcing to other regions or countries… …since it can aid understanding of the complexities of the existing system. Paragraph D One way to avoid … is to create a joint venture… …be careful not to lose sight of the original rationale for… Exercise 1. This company has more than one vacancy in its factory.(C) 2. Only graduate engineers will be considered.(D) 3. This job requires qualifications but no previous experience.(A) 4. Knowledge of two European languages is needed for the job. (C) 5. Frequent international travel is part of the job.(A) 6. You will receive an extra payment every year, in addition to your basic salary. (B) 7. You will be employed for only a fixed period.(C) Reading Part Two 第二项:句子的填空 重要语法:篇章构成的技巧(techniques in making texts) 人们讲话或写文章时,常常要把前后讲的或写的内容加以联系。联系的方式有几类,它们为语言的应用提供粘合(cohesion)。取得粘合最常用的方式是返指(referring back)已经提及的事项。取得粘合的另一方式就是预指(referring forward)将要说及的事项。 Part Two Hints Q 8 … that’s no longer the case… Q 9 … for



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