网站设计 毕业论文.doc

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PAGE 1 佳木斯大学毕业论文 信息电子技术学院网站设计 学 院 信息电子技术 专 业 电子信息工程 班 级 06级1班 学 籍 号 0609054110 姓 名 马亚中 指导教师 史庆军 佳 木 斯 大 学 20 佳木斯大学学士学位论文 PAGE PAGE 11 佳木斯大学信息电子技术学院 佳木斯大学信息电子技术学院 摘 要 Internet正在以强大的冲击力影响着人类的生活。Internet的出现和迅速发展, 彻底改变了人们的传统生活方式。Internet现在已经渗透到了人类社会的各个领域, 以及人们的日常生活的各个环节。 Internet的迅速普及,正是依靠不计其数、丰富多彩的网站。 网站是由网页按照一定的链接顺序组成。现在有越来越多的人希望在网络上拥有自己的个人主页或个人网站,来展示个人的个性和特点。 同时也有越来越多的企业通过互联网上来展示自身形象,提供服务和产品资讯。 以这种廉价的方式获取最大的宣传效果,而学校也通过这种方式宣传自己的知名度。 本文所做的就是设计学院的网站,利用网页三剑客Dreamweaver、Fireworks、Flash为学院制作网页。采用了图片与动画相结合的方式,生动的展示了学院的风采。采用元件与图像的结合表达了学院的每一个细节。本文还应用了ASP语言对网页做部分的修饰和改写。最后本文还为学院添加了时间日期。本文对设计出来的信息电子技术学院网站,做了全面细致的介绍。全文共三章,按照开发顺序,一步一步将整个开发设计过程展现出来。 关键字:网页,图像,元件 Abstract The Internet is with powerful impact affect human life. The rapid development of Internet,and changed peoples traditional way of life. The Internet has now been permeated every field of human society and Peoples Daily life. The rapid popularization of Internet, is to rely on countless colorful website. Web site is according to certain link sequence. Now there are more and more people hope on the network has its own individual homepage or personal website, to show individual character and characteristics. There are also more and more enterprises through the Internet up their image, providing services and product information. This cheap way to maximize the effectiveness, and the school also promote their way through the visibility.This is the website design institute, Dreamweaver, Fireworks, three musketeers web pages for college made to Flash. Using a combination of images and animations, vivid display a college. By combining with the image of the components of the expression of every detail. This paper also applied in the ASP language section of the web modification and rewrite. Finally, this paper also added time for college.Based on the design of electronic information technology institutes web site, make a comprehensive and thorough introduction. The order in accorda



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