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2012 年 12 月大学英语四级考试真题 151 / 680 C) Help take care of Pat ‘s kids. D) Pay for Pat ‘s season tickets. 29. A) It can develop between people with a big difference in income. B) It can be maintained among people of different age groups. C) It cannot last long without similar family background. D) It cannot be sustained when friends move far apart. Passage Two Questions 30 to 32 are based on the passage you have just heard. 30. A) Priority of students ‘ academic achievements. B) Equal education opportunities to all children. C) Social equality between teachers and students. D) Respect for students ividuality.‘ ind 31. A) Efficient. B) Complicated. C) Lengthy. D) Democratic. 32. A) To help them acquire hands-on experience. B) To try to cut down its operational expenses. C) To provide part-time jobs for needy students. D) To enable them to learn to take responsibility. Passage Three Questions 33 to 35 are based on the passage you have just heard. 33. A) The best way to work through a finger maze. B) Individuals doing better in front of an audience. C) Researchers having contributed greatly to psychology. D) Improvements on the classification of human behavior. 34. A) When you feel encouraged by the audience. B) When you try to figure out a confusing game. C) When you already know how to do something. D) When you complete with other people in a group. 35. A) Practicing constantly. B) Working by oneself. C) Learning by doing. 声明:本资料由 听力课堂 网站收集整理,仅供英语爱好者学习使用,资料版权属于原作者。 2012 年 12 月大学英语四级考试真题 152 / 680 D) Using proven methods. Section C Americans today have different eating habits than they had in the past. There is a wide (36) ______ of food avail



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