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完美.格式.编辑 专业.资料.整理 各种动物叫声的英文表达 (中) 在英语中,不同动物的叫声通常需要特定词汇来准确传神地表达。下面按照英文字母顺序列明不同年龄、性别的动物发声动词【通常也可以做名词】、拟声词以及例句:baa:绵羊的叫声 bark:狗的叫声 bellow:(公牛)吼叫声 bleat:(羊或小牛)叫声;咩咩声 bowwow:(狗)汪汪声 bray:(驴等的)叫声 buzz:(蜜蜂、蚊子等)嗡嗡声 cackle:(母鸡下蛋后)咯咯声 cheep:(小鸡)唧唧声;(鸟等)啁啾声 chirp:(小鸟、昆虫等)啁啾声,唧唧声,嘤嘤声 cluck:(母鸡)咯咯声 coo:(鸽子、斑鸠等)咕咕声 crow/cockadoodledoo(公鸡)啼鸣;喔喔声 growl:(狗)狺狺叫 grunt/oink:(猪等)咕噜声 hiss /蛇发嘶嘶声 hum:(蜜蜂等)嗡嗡声 mew/miaow/miaou/meow/meou(猫)喵喵声 moo:(母牛)哞叫声 neigh /whinny:(马等)嘶叫声 purr:(猫)呼噜声 quack:(鸭等)嘎嘎声 roar:(狮虎等)咆哮声 squeak:(鼠等)吱吱声 twitter:(鸟)吱吱叫;鸣声 whine:(狗)呜呜叫 whistle:(画眉等)鸟鸣声 yelp:(兽类痛苦、愤怒、兴奋等的)嗥叫声 28.? Curlew【鹬】:pipe。例句:The eastern curlews are piping today; Theirflute like notes so melodious and clear 29.? Deer【鹿】:bell。例句:Red Deer - buck belling in mating season 30.? Dingo【澳洲野狗】:bark、cry。例句: a)?????? Like all domestic dogs, dingoes tend towards a HYPERLINK /wiki/Phonetics \o Phonetics phonetic communication, the difference being that they howl and whimper more and HYPERLINK /wiki/Bark_%28dog%29 \o Bark (dog) bark less than domestic dogs. b)????? The “dingoes cry” gives the drought conditions a sense of mystery. 31.? Dodo【嘟嘟鸟】:squawk、cry。例句: a)?????? The Dodo used to walk around And take the sun and air. The sun yet warms his native ground- The Dodo is not there! The voice which used to squawk and squeak Is now for ever dumb- Yet you may see his bones and beak All in the Mu-se-um. b)????? The cries of the young dodo, described by a sailor, sounded like the cries of a young goose. 32.? Dog【狗】:bark、woof。例句: a)?????? The only time dogs wont bark to communicate, is when they are displaying submissive behaviour. b)????? Dogs never lost the original knowledge that they are descended from the wolf, so the very first thing they had to say when they learned to bark was woof - as they lack the linguistic ability to prono



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