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Personal Statement Sample for Medicine Ever since I accidentally burnt holes in my pyjamas after experimenting with a chemistry set on my 8th Birthday, I have always had a passion for science. Following several hospital visits during my teenage years to explore my interest, the idea of a career that would exploit my humanity and problem-solving abilities always made medicine a natural choice. So why did I choose computer science? By exploring a secondary interest in IT, I sought to allow myself the time to carefully consider my motivations for following such a challenging career. Medicine has never been absent from my thoughts, and this combined with a lack of personal fulfillment as a web developer has continually amplified my desire to become a doctor. I take great pleasure in people and their diversity, and by combining my love of science with the interpersonal rewards gained from interacting with them, I hope to fulfill this ambition. To affirm my decision, I have recently spent time observing a consultant vascular surgeon and his team throughout the full cycle of patient care. I have enjoyed talking to patients about their illness and observed several procedures including a carotid endarterectomy and bypass operation. The insight into human anatomy is fascinating and finds that I definitely have the stomach for my chosen vocation! More importantly though, the opportunity provides me with a valuable perspective on hospital life; it is unglamorous, sometimes heart-wrenching, but confirms beyond any doubt that this is where my future lies. In addition, I have spent every Thursday evening since April in the wards of a Hospice in Clapham. By talking to the elderly, helping them to eat and drink and even placing bets on their behalf at the bookmakers, I have been able to appreciate the importance of palliative care. For practical experience I have attended a first aid course run by the British Red Cross. My employment history provides me with




