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The use of symbolism In terms of literature, symbolism means the use of concrete symbols to represent or hint abstract conception or emotion.   In the short story Egg, egg as a symbol runs through the whole story and appears several times. It is considered as the introductory remark of the story all the time. Meanwhile, every time egg appears, it is able to link up it and Father’s destiny. Each has its own hint and symbol.; 象征原指用甲物来代表、暗示乙物。对于文学而言,则主要是指以具体的形象来代表、暗示抽象的观念或情感。;Ⅰ. In the beginning, the chicken farm hints Father’s American dream inside his heart.;1.在文章开始,养鸡场暗示着父亲心底的美国梦。;   Here, the chicken farm which is related to egg symbolizes Father’s American dream at that time. He had notion of trying to rise in the world. The hens lay eggs out of which come other chickens, and then these chickens lay eggs again. This a rolling thing which is endless. Thus before long, or family would grow rich. At this point, Father was induced by Mother to give up his place as a farmland. Like many other American people, Father became quite ambitious. Setting up the chicken farm was to realize his American dream as well as long for the wonderful life.;Ⅱ. The continuous dead small chickens hint and symbolize the death of Father’s American dream.;在养鸡场不断死去的小鸡暗示和象征着父亲夭折的美国梦。;The death of the chickens symbolizes that Father had no power to be master of his own destiny. No matter how hard he worked and persisted, he didn’t realize his dream all along. All the Father’s endeavors always ended up with failure.;在小说的第五段中讲到,养鸡场的小鸡在吃完父亲辛辛苦苦用劳动的汗水换来的谷物之后,要么死于鸡瘟,要么被车轮碾死。好不容易活下来几只,却又莫名奇妙地死掉了。这些小鸡的突如其来的死亡就像上天注定一样,总是那么让人不可理解。小鸡的死亡象征着父亲夭折的美国梦,象征着父亲无力主宰自己的生活,就像父亲无论多么努力地工作,无论怎样坚持,始终没有实现自己的美国梦一样,始终要遭受挫败,一切的努力总是以失败告终。;Ⅲ. Exceedingly strange and deformed chickens symbolize Father’s distorted American dream.;养鸡场里千奇百怪的畸形的小鸡象征着父亲心中被扭曲的畸形的美国梦。;  here Father took good care of these chickens which he clearly knew couldn’t live on and saved them at any cost. He dreamed of taking the wonder about


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