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英文原文 Gear manufacturing methods There are two basic methods of manufacturing gear teeth: the generating process and the forming process. when a gear tooth is generated, the workpiece and the cutting or grinding tool are in continuous mesh and the tooth form is generated by the tool. In other words, the work and the tool are conjugated to each other. hobbing :machines, shaper cutters, shaving machines, and grinders use this principle. When a gear tooth is formed, the tool is in the shape of the space that is being machined out. Some grinding machines use this principle with an indexing mechianism which allows the gear teeth to be formed tooth by tooth. Broaches are examples of form tools that machine all the gear teeth simultaneously. shaping Shaping is inherently similar to planning but uses a circular cuttrer instead of rack and the resulting reduction in the reciprocating inertia allows much higher stroking speeds: modern shapers cutting car gears can run at 2,000 cutting strokes per minmute. The shape of the cutter is roughly the same as an involute gear but the tips of the teeth are rounded. The generating drive between cutter and workpiece does not involve a rack or leadscrew since only circular motion in involved. The tool and workpiece move tangential typically 0.5 mm for each stroke of the cutter. On the return stroke the cutter must be retracted about 1 mm to give clearance otherwise tool rub occurs on the backstroke and failure is rapid. The speed on this type of machine is limited by the rate at which some 50kg of cutter and bearings can be moved a distance of 1 mm. the accelerations involved tequire forces of the order of 5000N yet high accuracy must be maintained. The advantages of shaping are that production rates are relatively high and that it is possible to cut right up to a shoulder. Unfortunately, for helical gears, a helical guide is required to impose a rotational motion on the stroking motion; such helical guides cannot be produced easily or


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