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* * ● Mr Yan Fu said: “Translation involves three requirements difficult to fulfill: faithfulness, comprehensibility and elegance.” (信、达、雅) ● The Book of Changes (易经) says“修辞立诚”which means fidelity is of writing. ●子曰:辞达而已(Confucius said, “Writing should be comprehensible). He also said: “Where language has no refinement, its effects will not extend far.”(言之无文, 行之不远) So in addition to faithfulness and comprehensibility, we should strive for elegance too if necessary. English-Chinese Written Translation. Copyright (C) 2013 by Wei Jianhua. All Rights Reserved 第二章 翻译的标准、过程和要求 (The Criterion, Process and Requirements of Translation) 2.1 翻译的标准 ● Mr. Lu Xun put forward the criteria for translation: faithfulness and expressiveness (忠实,通顺) . He also said:“翻译必须兼顾着两面,一则当然求其易解,一则 保存着原作的丰姿。” ● Today translators think highly what Yan Fu said and what Lu Xun said about the criteria for translation. In recent decades when people translate the documents of the United Nations, they follow the criteria: accuracy, smoothness and popularity. (准确、通顺、易懂) ●The common criteria of translation—— faithfulness and expressiveness (现今翻译标准:忠实、通顺) English-Chinese Written Translation. Copyright (C) 2012 by Wei Jianhua. All Rights Reserved ●严复: “信、达、雅” (1898),源于三国时期(AD 220-280): 诸佛典在天竺。天竺言语, 与汉异音……名物不同, 传实不易……仆初嫌其不雅。维祗难曰:“佛言依其义不用饰, 取其法不以严。其传经者,勿失厥义, 是则为善。”座中咸曰:“老氏称‘美言不信,信言不美。”……今传胡义, 实且径达。” ——支谦《法句经序》 (一) 严复: “信、达、雅” (1898),源于三国时期(AD 220-280): 诸佛典在天竺。天竺言语, 与汉异音……名物不同, 传实不易……仆初嫌其不雅。维祗难曰:“佛言依其义不用饰, 取其法不以严。其传经者,勿失厥义, 是则为善。”座中咸曰:“老氏称‘美言不信,信言不美。”……今传胡义, 实且径达。” ——支谦《法句经序》 ☆中外名家论翻译的标准 “达”:指译文使用标准汉语 (to translate in normal target language) (二)黄龙: 现代人应该如此理解严复的标准(1988) “雅”:指译文的美学价值 (to be aesthetic in el


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