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激趣导入 空白处填什么? 给提示词: 无提示词: 解题步骤 注意事项 该题目注重单词在语篇中的形式变化,对于给出提示词的的题目,考生需要根据句意及语境填空,尤其要注意词性和词形的变化,特别是动词的时态,非谓语动词形式,名词单复数的变化等。照抄原型一定错!一定要变化词形或词性。 对于没有给出任何提示的题目,考生需要根据逻辑填空。在仔细分析句子结构的同时,要注意上下文语境尤其是句子的含义。 注意题目的要求,所填入的单词数量不要多于3个。 参考答案 1 A 2 useful 3 and 4 in 5 they 6 if 7 It 8 which 9 friends 10 meeting What have you learned from this lesson? Share them with your classmates and teacher. 一般往下面三个方面考虑 句子成分 词性转换 动词形式 句子成分 句子缺主语或宾语,补____ 。 名词前往往填限定词。 不及物动词后,往往填______. 若几个并列成分(词,动词,句子)之间无连接词, 要判断逻辑关系或分析从句类型,填入合适的连词或连接词. 动词原形前面往往填__________________. 特殊句式或固定搭配. 词性转换 修饰名词或作表语,用__________. 修饰动词,形容词,副词,整个句子,用________ 缺少主语或跟在介词后,使用动词的______ 反义词或派生词 动词形式 1.句子缺谓语,考时态。 例一: I was going to school when my car ______(break) down near a railway station. 例二: After a long journey, we finally _____(arrive) home. 2.句子不缺谓语,考察非谓语形式。 例一: _____(see) from the Shizu mountain, Xinzheng looks beautiful. 例二: ________(do) his homework, he went to bed. 例三: _______(compare) to this book, that book is a little expensive. 例四: _____ (complete) the project, we had to work two more hours a day. 综合演练 I will never forget the first time he came to Class 10. He suddenly appeared in class one day, _______(wear) sunglasses.He ______(walk) in as if he had bought the school. * * * * Discourse cloze 语篇型填空 名动形副 冠代连介情动 年度 介 词 动词 形容词或副词 代词 名词 连词或引导词 冠 词 总计 2014 3 3 1 1 1 1 10 填空类型统计 测试点 跟踪练习---语篇型填空 The Internet has become part of young people’s life. __1_ report shows that 38% of students often use the Internet . Most of them get_2_ (use) information on the Internet __3__ use the Internet to help in their studies. But many students don’t use it __4___ a good way. Some play games too much, some visit websites __5__ shouldn’t look at. Such bad things may happen __6__ students spend too much time on the Internet. _7__ is important for students to use the Internet properly. Now we have a textbook, _8_ uses many examples to teach students some good ways to use the Internet. It gives useful a


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