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郴州市亚星学校 邝艳琼 left left right right, go , turn around, go go go. left right ,left left ,right right, left left, right right, go go go. left left, right right ,go, turn around ,go go go. 兔子舞 这是谁的? Learning Goal学习目标 1. Can listen,say and read the new words; 1.能听,说和读B部分的新单词。 2.Can use the new sentences : Is this your ___?---Yes,It is./ No,it isn’t. Whose is this? —It’s ___’s ___. 2.能运用新句型: 这是你的___吗?是的,它是。/不,它不是。 这是谁的?---它是___的____。 B: It’s ________ ’s key. A: Whose is this? A: Is this your ___ ?(这是你的钥匙吗?) 它是明明的钥匙。 这是谁的? key B:No,it isn’t. (不,它不是的。) Mingming key B:It’s _____ ’s bag. A:Whose is this? A:Is this your ___? B:No,it isn’t. bag 它是安妮的包。 Anne bag B:It’s ______’s scarf. A:Whose is this? A:Is this your _____? B:No,it isn’t. 它是彼得的围巾。 scarf Peter scarf B:It’s _________’s wallet. A:Whose is this? A:Is this your ______? B:No,it isn’t. wallet 它是东东的钱包。 Dongdong wallet B:It’s ________’s hat. A:Whose is this? A:Is this your ___? B:No,it isn’t. 它是玲玲的帽子。 hat Lingling hat B:It’s _____’s mobile phone . A:Whose is this? A:Is this your ___________ ? B:No,it isn’t. 它是提姆的手机。 mobile phone Tim mobile phone 1.read the new words in groups. (小组组内读单词) 2.Check the words in groups. (小组上台读单词) 1.Make a dialogue in groups. (小组编对话) 2.Role-play on the podium. (小组上台角色表演) S1:Is this your bag? S2. it isn’t. S1:Whose is this? S2-6:It’s Anne’s bag. Lost and Found :失物招领: recently ,some of our students lost some things. They are in my box now. I need several students help me to find the owners one bye one. 最近,我们班同学丢失了一些物品,它们现在在我的盒子里,想请几名同学帮老师找到它们的主人,完成任务即游戏结束。 This lesson tells us that if you picked up something , must be returned to the owner. 这节课告诉我们,如果你捡到了东西,一定要还给它的主人. 1.Write down the new words; 1.抄写B部分的新单词; 2.Use the new sentences in your daily life. 2.将新学句型运用到日常



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