电影 窈窕淑女 My Fair Lady 英文剧本.doc

电影 窈窕淑女 My Fair Lady 英文剧本.doc

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My Fair Lady ?? (Covent Garden in the evening. People are leaving the opera and heading for their taxis and cars which are pulling up outside, directed by a footman. It starts to rain torrents and all of a sudden there is a bustle as everyone rushes for shelter in the market or under the portico of St. Pauls Church whilst the street vendors in the market rush to cover their goods.) (Two of the opera-goers are Mrs. Eynsford-Hill and her son, young Freddie Eynsford-Hill. They are hurrying out of the rain to the church.) MRS EYNSFORD-HILL (impatiently) Freddie, go and find a cab. ? (A young flower girl, Eliza Doolittle, is rushing for shelter also and almost walks into a barrow, pushed by its owner.) BARROW BOY (without stopping) Sorry, lovey. ELIZA Get on with it, love. (She hurries on her way.) MRS EYNSFORD-HILL (standing next to her son between two of the columns of the church) Dont just stand there, Freddie, go and find a cab. FREDDIE Alright. Im going, Im going. (He opens his umbrella and heads off across the street whistling for a cab, but he collides with Eliza who is rushing in the opposite direction. She falls to the ground spilling her flowers.) ELIZA (seeing the mess) Ah-aw-oo. Look where youre goin, dear, look where youre goin! FREDDIE (bending down to help pick up her flowers) Im so sorry. ELIZA (picking up her scattered flowers and replacing them in the basket) Two bunches o violets trod in the mud. A full days wages! (Shakes her head disapprovingly at him and heads across the street towards the church.) MRS EYNSFORD-HILL (from across the street) Freddie! Freddie! Go find a cab. FREDDIE Yes mother. (He rushes off.) ELIZA (walks up to Freddies mother) Oh, es your son, is e? Well if youd done your duty by him as a mother should, you wouldnt let him spoil a poor girls flowers and then run away without payin. MRS EYNSFORD-HILL (looking out into the rain after Freddie) Oh, go about your business, my girl. (She walks away.) ELIZA And you wouldnt


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